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securities English

Meaning securities meaning

What does securities mean?
Definitions in simple English


Securities are financial documents, like stocks, bonds and notes.

Synonyms securities synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as securities?

Examples securities examples

How do I use securities in a sentence?

Movie subtitles

What about all those gilt-edged securities and your theater?
There's some securities and some bonds.
No gilt-edge securities, no rolling woodlands?
No, he just testified before the Securities Commission.
It divides the entire estate, cash, securities and all evenly between.
Claire gets all cash and securities.
That money was from securities I'd sold.
No securities, no stocks, no bonds, nothing but a miserable little five hundred dollar equity in a life insurance policy.
My securities, are they safe?
My securities, where are they?
So the funds and securities are deposited in the First National?
Now, you know that, on the following morning, securities are going to tumble into an abyss.
It calls for her securities.
Have our available securities turned into cash.
Did you cash the securities?
My friends strongly advised me to sell my American securities.
National securities.
It was my duty to invest the money, The law says, in government securities, First mortgages, and certain other preferred stock.
It's usual to offer a few material securities.
Behind the securities counter. - And?
Behind the securities counter, there's a push button.
I'll need everything I've given you all your bonds and securities.
He asked for the receipts of his securities.
Clifford, there still remains besides the house, a few government securities.
Behind the securities counter.
All of my property, that is the house, the farmstead, the workshop, the shop and the securities I leave to my dear great-great-grandson Lucky.
Evan Morrissey, Securities and Exchange Enforcement office.
You're under arrest for conspiracy to commit securities fraud,...and for violating the insider Traders Sanction Act.
Now, he has already removed the securities from the bank, but knows this will not be discovered until Thursday afternoon.
Ask how they did on the Gibraltar Securities.
I was wondering, how did you do on the Gibraltar Securities?
Gibraltar Securities?
Possible cash horde. Odd marketable securities. Who knows?

News and current affairs

Because rapid fiscal deterioration now has investors worrying about capital losses on US government securities, devaluation would make foreigners more hesitant to finance America's budget deficit.
Thus, China's continued reinvestment of its current-account surplus in US government securities is of utmost important for US growth and financial stability.
Given that America benefits mightily from China's purchases of US government securities, it is difficult to understand why the US government and Congress have been complaining so much about the bilateral current-account deficit.
It is also difficult to grasp why China is so reluctant to reduce its bilateral surplus, given meager returns on its massive holdings of US government securities and a sustained risk of large capital losses in the future.
Why do Piemontese, Bavarians, or Scots need intermediate national bureaucracies to run their tax policies, welfare programs, securities laws, and the largely useless, duplicative armies?
The market for such securities has now vanished.
It may make sense for central banks (or Fannie Mae, America's major government-sponsored mortgage company) to buy mortgage-backed securities in order to help provide market liquidity.
Declining house prices are key to the financial crisis and the outlook for the economy, because mortgage-backed securities, and the derivatives based on them, are the primary assets that are weakening financial institutions.
Until house prices stabilize, these securities cannot be valued with any confidence.
The counter-argument - that any sell-off or failure by China to continue to buy US government securities would hurt China as much as America - is not valid.
For the moment, global investors cannot get enough of US treasury bills, as collapsing interest rates for short-term US securities demonstrates.
The competitive forces that underlie stock exchanges were seen to force all securities prices to their true fundamental values.
Their absence makes it difficult to invest too large amounts of money in Russian securities.
In contrast to today's situation, the bad assets were usually entire companies, not complex securities.
It would seem that rebuilding confidence in the Federal Reserve and the Securities and Exchange Commission is economically more important than rebuilding trust in Citibank or AIG.
They thought that financial innovations could somehow turn bad mortgages into good securities, meriting AAA ratings.
But such low rates do not reflect ordinary market sentiment; rather, they stem from the fact that the Federal Reserve is now buying more long-term securities than the government is issuing to finance the budget deficit.
In response, investment banks branched into new businesses like originating and distributing complex derivative securities.
It also created a more buoyant market for the securities of Freddie and Fannie, feeding the originate-and-distribute machine.
As they absorb their losses on US treasury and agency securities, capital flows toward the US will diminish.
Encouraging banks to turn loans kept on their books into securities also helped reduce the overall level of caution in the extension of credit.
The US dollar would fall substantially - encouraging greater exports - were it not for the fact that foreign central banks are pushing much of that capital right back by buying US government securities.

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