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scuffle drill English

Synonyms scuffle drill synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as scuffle drill?

scuffle drill English » English

seed driller seed drill row drill drill seeder drill planter

Examples scuffle drill examples

How do I use scuffle drill in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Can I borrow a drill from you for a few days?
We had a fire drill yesterday.
They intended to drill for oil.
The loud drill gave her husband a headache.
Make a hole in the bone with a drill.
This is not a drill.
You know the drill.
I know the drill.
Once a year there is an unannounced fire drill and all of the employees have to leave the building immediately.
The singing of the local birds is akin to the sound of a drill.
Tom knows the drill.
Is this a drill?

Movie subtitles

You probably thought Jethro tull, the english agricultural pioneer, invented the seed drill.
We might be able to drill down and find the evidence, if any, of life on Mars at this moment.
That's the third broken drill just this morning.
What a drill!
If he had to drill him, he'd do it right.
Ah, but the sergeants. The sergeants can take over the drill, sir.
Sergeants, continue with the drill.
Yes, sir. First day's drill.
After discovering the ailing tooth, the next thing is to drill away the decay.
All right, children, this is a fire drill.
Did they drill that way at Camp Wolters?
A tall, gaunt man who worked a drill.
In six months, we'll have the finest drill team in the world.
Is there anything you've got to say before I drill you?
Alright boys, see you at the parade drill at 8 o'clock sharp this evening.
Water enough. You just have to drill deep enough.
I tell you, I drill 100 feet deep if I have to.
Sergeant, close order drill. Prepare the platoon. Very well, sir!
You drill until until 1 and march until 4.
Soldiers, don't give yourselves to brutes, men who despise you, enslave you, regiment your lives, tell you what to think and feel, who drill you, treat you like cattle and use you as cannon fodder.
March the detail to the drill field.
And there were others who found they could run a drill press. drive a 30-ton tank or run a stamping machine as well as any man.
Therefore, in order to give him a demonstration of our efficiency we're going to stage an incident drill for him.
Take it and drill him.
Is that another drill?
Can't be a drill. All we get in this Navy is drill, drill, drill.
Bayonet drill. That's what I want.
A drill!
Just a staff drill in case one of our engines ever got away.
We will start with drill in multiplication.
You have precisely. 32 seconds to complete the drill.
The idea of Sergeant Smith thinking he could drill us.
The drill broke.
Suppose we set up a drill on top of the mountain and go straight down.
All right, Gus, if that's the way you want it, I'll set the drill.
And let's get that drill.
Since the operation began 3 days ago, the drill has cut its way 57 feet closer to Leo.
Well, we're making progress, good progress, but every second counts in this rescue operation, and I'm sure your radio audience will excuse me, as well as Mr Smollett here if he goes back to his post at the drill.
I don't know why they have to use a drill at all.

News and current affairs

The virus is shaped so that it can drill into a particular feature of that cell and inject parts of itself inside, confusing the cell into making more viruses and destroying itself in the process.
MOSCOW: A big squeeze is on in Moscow, as President Putin seeks to drill the country's wayward regions into line with Kremlin policies.
State-owned and private multinational companies drill fuel in Russia and sell it to Europe and North America.
But I do think that modern macroeconomists need to be rounded up, on pain of loss of tenure, and sent to a year-long boot camp with the assembled monetary historians of the world as their drill sergeants.
Royal Dutch Shell, for example, announced in 2003 that it would not drill in any spots designated by UNESCO as World Heritage sites.
This decision came two years after the company acceded to pressure from environmentalists and scrapped plans to drill in a World Heritage site in Bangladesh.
But it is the economics of HDR geothermal that will eventually determine its long-term role, because deep boreholes are expensive to drill, and their costs must be met before power stations can begin to generate electricity.
Oil companies still drill for and refine petroleum, and principally sell gasoline and diesel fuel.
But the Catholics used a shotgun for this brutal punishment, and the Protestants an electric drill.
The concept is beguilingly simple: drill at least two boreholes five kilometers deep, inject cold water into one, pass it through the hot rocks, and then bring it back to the surface, where the energy is removed in a power station.
Canceled railway and hydroelectric projects in Myanmar, and riots in Vietnam over China's move to drill for oil in disputed waters, reflect the backlash that the country's resource hunger can generate.
Oil executives bragged that they could drill a couple of kilometers down, then a kilometer across, and hit their target within a few meters.

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