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sandwich shop

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News and current affairs

More than 4,000 Taiwanese manufacturers have set up shop in Xiamen and Dongguan.
It is another when the European project means that French workers face competition from Polish plumbers, Romanian farmers, and Turkish shop clerks.
Germany is the tool-shop of the world, with 450 world market leaders in niche products and another 500 companies in the top-three category.
If workers are protected against sexual harassment by a state agency rather than by their union shop steward, the employee's rights will be adequately protected.
A local shop may be able to use the Internet to tailor more precisely its selection of goods to its customers' tastes.
Europe's consumers should be able to buy online songs, watch online video, and shop online for whatever products they choose, and Europe's businesses should be able to benefit fully from the EU's giant market.
In the course of a work day, people mix and match many activities - they may work at a desk, but they may also meet a friend for lunch, go to the gym, do chores, travel on business, shop online, and so on.
Male students from Islamabad's many madrasas are even more active in terrorizing video shop owners, whom they accuse of spreading pornography.
Many firms would have to close shop if they purchased the oil and electricity and gas they use at prevailing market prices.
Shop-owners and drivers complained that sidewalks should continue to be shared with parked cars, as they had been for years.
Even the shop floor can be swept better and cheaper by a Roomba robot than by any worker.
Since young Europeans would rather work in a shop than a retirement home, persuading them otherwise would require a huge wage hike.
For example, shop opening-hours still must comply with highly restrictive rules.
The critical point here is that a retail price includes not only the price of the goods but also distribution costs - wages of shop personnel, rent, advertising, profit margins, etc. These differ vastly across countries, as the table suggests.
My father is a teacher and owns a children's clothing shop.
But retail shop clerks and car dealers cannot be easily transformed into the specialized and highly skilled workers needed in modern manufacturing.
Moreover, the G-20 itself is short on credibility; what was once considered a workshop for a new system of global economic governance is now widely regarded as an increasingly irrelevant talk shop.
But, because Russia's presidency is so powerful, the Duma is largely a squabbling-shop and a fixer's paradise.
But in today's world, students and researchers choose a university much as consumers shop in the international marketplace.
There were economies of scale and scope, and financial firms typically like the idea of a one-stop (or, at worst, a two-stop) shop.
More than 4,000 Taiwanese manufacturers have set up shop in Xiamen and Dongguan. Zhongguancun, a former military research zone in Beijing that houses half a million scientists and engineers, is popular with American high-tech companies.
The wealthy dwell in air-conditioned houses, travel in chauffeur-driven cars, and shop in luxury malls, apparently oblivious to how the rest of the country lives.