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root groove

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News and current affairs

Until China is released from the grip of religious politics, Liu's ideals are unlikely to take root.
While this is a reasonable demand, the rest of the Middle East - and, indeed, much of the world, including Europe - regard the root cause of the conflict as Israeli intransigence and arrogance, together with America's blind support for it.
It may well be that there is more than one root cause - every party to the conflict has a favorite one.
There is no point in belaboring whose pain is greater or whose root cause is deeper.
The main thrust of early conservatism was root-and-branch opposition to every form of social insurance: make the poor richer, and they would become more fertile.
Many of today's war zones - including Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, and Sudan - share basic problems that lie at the root of their conflicts.
Some, as usual, will claim that the Arab-Israeli conflict lies at the root of the problems that exist between Islam and the West, and that resolving the Palestinians' plight will contribute immensely to smoother relations.
But they at least can be corrected. That, however, requires first looking more deeply into the root causes of the problem.
A bond between party and voters - a bond based on policy - took root.
In particular, he will need to go beyond Keynesian fiscal-stimulus policies to heal the deep wounds to economic confidence that lie at the root of the current crisis.
Although Medvedev and Putin have apparently adopted a viable power-sharing arrangement, Russia's stunted political institutions lack the capacity to root out corruption and other inefficiencies.
The second school of thought contends that terrorism can be eradicated by addressing its root causes.
The horrible truth is that failure to eradicate the root causes of terrorism is almost certain to extend the Age of Terrorism, it is not clear that they really can be eradicated.
That Russia's genuine national interest - not imperial ambitions - are at the root of the second war in Chechnya is not sufficiently recognized.
To understand the dynamics of conflict in Burundi, we need to examine three root causes.
Without addressing the root of the problem - America's chronic saving shortfall - it is ludicrous to believe that there can be a bilateral solution for a multilateral problem.
Across Russia's near abroad, a form of criminalized diplomacy is taking root.
Indeed, Djindjic may well be a victim of his recent moves to root out organized crime.
Many of the important steps taken to stabilize the global financial system and economy, as well as to address the root causes of this crisis, will be achieved through the G-20.
Europe's disappointing economic performance lies at the root of this.
The constant ability of Africa's leaders to betray their people is the root cause of Africa's current misery.
Lending large sums before assessing root causes and determining appropriate policy responses can undermine the IFIs' credibility and reduce the capital available to assist other countries in need.
The root problem is that financial markets can now mobilize tens of billions of dollars for speculative purposes.
Addressing the challenges that we Britons face will first require acknowledging our limited control over their root causes.