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roid rage English

Meaning roid rage meaning

What does roid rage mean?

roid rage

(bodybuilding) uncontrollable anger or violent behavior resulting from the usage of anabolic steroids.

Examples roid rage examples

How do I use roid rage in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Aggressive drivers who tailgate are a danger to the general public. Tailgating is basically a kind of road rage.
He is boiling with rage.
He fell into a rage.
He was beside himself with rage.
She was beside herself with rage.
It's all the rage.
I was seething with rage.
Maria's small gingerbread bakery quickly became a thriving global corporation. Tom's squirrel cookies made from nut dough are now all the rage everywhere.
Police are seeking witnesses to a road rage incident at the weekend, in which a man had his windscreen smashed by a woman wielding a baseball bat.
Tom burst into a rage.
Out of rage, thank God, sometimes comes courage.
Tom, in a fit of rage, threw his bicycle off a cliff.
The Sphinx howled with rage.
I fly into a rage easily.
I don't want to remember. I feel I'll go mad through rage.
He broke out into rage.
His constant complaints aroused my rage.
He flew into a rage.
He was trembling with rage.
Her voice trembled with rage.
She got into a rage.
She yelled in a rage.
He boiled over with rage.

Movie subtitles

So when you killed Scarlett in a fit of jealous rage, you knew you had a way out.
This shape settee's all the rage in Scandinavia.
I had so much rage.
I just have a lot of rage, and I haven't learned to channel it.
As soon as the criminals were brought to shore, the storm began to rage again.
Your majesty cannot possibly blame me for the rage of the people.
Impotent rage was overflowing.
If you wore a certain hat, it became the rage.
I foresaw a time when man, exulting in the technique of murder would rage so hotly over the world that every book, every treasure would be doomed to destruction.
You'd be surprised the genuine rage you can work off. just by carving a little piece of wood.
Each time you kiss him his heart breaks with rage because it's not Cathy.
Open rage.
Married on impulse and divorced in a rage, and always unapproachable by the press.
Often he gets into a terrible rage, and when he does.
It is easy to vent one's rage on a recruit.
Boiling soup. The men seethed with rage.
When you see a very talented man, if I dare say so, sign a fabulous contract you could never have signed yourself, you are filled with rage and envy and you do your utmost to thwart his destiny.
I've never seen him in such a rage.
It's all the rage just now.
They are all the rage.
That is all the rage.
This member fired on the Nazi pick-up plane, not in rage as he pretended but to warn and frighten it away.
I just have a lot of rage, and I haven't learned to channel it. - Why?
I rage, against injustice.
Often, he gets into a terrible rage, and when he does.
Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood, disguise fair nature with hard-favour'd rage.
Abate thy rage, abate thy manly rage!
It's time somebody faced that icy rage of yours.
It's the absolute rage in London.
But even though he was in a jealous rage he was so sweet.
She wrecked the room in a rage of jealousy.
Pachinko shouldn't be the rage.

News and current affairs

Obama can rage and weep.
Having begun, ever so carefully, to politically open his country, the King knows that he needs regional peace and a lowering of Islamic holy rage.
This rude interruption to their majesties' indolence by their subjects incited rage and fury and something else--fear.
They form the vast majority of people in Saudi Arabia, and have not yet embraced the uncompromising rage of Osama bin Laden's clones.
Money, however, can trigger all sorts of other emotions - like rage, for example.
Blinded with grief and rage, the US would exact a terrible revenge.
Democratization can surely help remove some of the sources of rage that fuel terrorism, but it is only part of the solution.
Just as in the US, public rage is somehow directed away from the rich bribe-givers and onto venal politicians.
Some, including Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, claim that the conflicts generating these refugees rage only in Arab countries that are being bombed by the West.
European populism focuses on Islam and immigration, but it may be mobilizing a wider rage against elites expressed by people who feel unrepresented, or fear being left behind economically.
The deaths, injuries, and humiliation of civilians generate rage and resentment among their families and communities, in turn fueling support for terrorists.
They rage and love, prance and explode, and finally reach a catharsis (if their team wins) or to descend into hell (if their team loses ).
It was not simply humanitarian rage that galvanized so many people in Hong Kong to act in 1989.
Unprincipled politics, cults of violence, communal rage, and macabre killings of religious minorities have all combined to shake people's faith in the political system's viability.
And, given the current rage for all things Bollywood in France, a lavish Indian wedding would be fitting.
Like King Lear after he lost his kingdom, there is nothing France can do about its lost influence but rage impotently.
Where Obama's strategy is weakest is in reaching ordinary people: the networked web of human relationships that transmits rage, hatred, and despair or hope, trust, and loyalty.
So, instead of China being convulsed with rage at news that children are being turned into slaves, the media are censored and the 400 parents of the Hongdong children are blacklisted by the government.
They vent their rage at a system that does not integrate them.
The rage, it seems, is not spontaneous; rather, it is an artifact of local or regional politics.
At a time of anti-establishment rage and political upheaval, anti-EU campaigners can peddle three fantasies of a post-EU future: a free-market, foreigner-free, or socialist Utopia.
The secular opposition's accession to power on the back of a tank might feed the Islamists' rage for years to come.
This may cow some of Syria's civilian population in the short term, but it will serve only to exacerbate popular rage, and thus to increase the prospect of a bloody reckoning with Assad and his cronies down the line.

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