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repulsive fan

Examples repulsive fan examples

How do I use repulsive fan in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Tom wasn't a hockey fan.
Tim is a huge fan of satirical comedy.
Such an old fan would be next to useless.
I'm a big fan of American cooking.
I'm a big fan of golf.
I'm a movie fan.
The office is flooded with fan letters for him.
I want the fan.
The fan asked for his autograph.
This is a Chinese fan.
I'm a fan of Tatoeba.
I'm not a fan of Kim Kardashian.
I'm a big fan of Getter Jaani.
There's a fan on the table.
It was hot, so I turned on the fan.
Mary is an obsessive fan of Tom.

Movie subtitles

Jade Emperor's fan is it?
I'm a huge fan.
I treated him as a friend and, to be honest, a fan.
I'm actually a huge fan of not talking, so.
Hector de la Faloise, a fan madly in love.
I used to be quite a fan.
You've dropped your fan.
I said, you've dropped your fan.
Madame, you've dropped your fan.
A blast of wind to fan my hate!
Look who's calling me a mick, with the name O'Bannon. and the map of Ireland all over his fan. Look, officer, I'm sorry. - Come on, Chick.
I shall let you hold my hand underneath my fan.
Fan the flame of desire with the bellows of indifference.
What's up? - The fan belt's shot.
Got my fan?
I've been on the pan, I've been called an electric fan, told I'm even much colder than Frigidaire.
Oh, yes. Is this the one that was doing the fan dance?
Fan dance?
You'd make your crippled grandmother do a fan dance for that paper.
Oh, Cheetah, you might turn on that fan for a while, will you?
Crooked fan. Search everywhere.
My fan.
Cheeta, turn on the fan.
Get to work, Kate. that fan's for the files!
The Publicity Department's waiting to take stills of you for the fan magazines.
Public seemed to like me, fan mail started coming in. Could happen to any girl.
And you should see the fan mail he's been getting.
He gets that much fan mail? - Yes.
Fan letter from a girl in omaha.
I gotta branch out on my fan mail.
We've been reading all about you in the fan magazines. Friend of yours?
Is this the one that was doing the fan dance?

News and current affairs

Russia continues to fan secessionist flames there by encouraging the independence of Abkhazia and South Ossetia.
Ironically, while Khamenei is no fan of democracy, he relies on the fact that his principal enemies are bound by democratic constraints.
This is especially worrisome because, unlike elsewhere in the world, official manipulation helps fan the flames of nationalism in China.
I confess to being a huge Lin fan.
The Dear Leader's son, Kim Jong-chol, is said to be a fan of Eric Clapton.
This would allow the use of a less power-hungry fan instead of a compressor, and the fan could run on batteries rather than relying on the power grid.
I am a fan myself: a fan with two worries.
I'm a Chelsea fan, and so are most of my girlfriends.
For instance, Joyce, my former workmate, has a husband who is a diehard Manchester United fan.
Bangladeshi migrant workers in the Gulf States who return home imbued with radical Wahhabi and Salafi teachings fan the fires even more.
Indeed, by coincidence, on the Sunday the young football fan was murdered in Moscow, Vladislav Surkov, the first deputy in President Dmitri Medvedev's administration, was meeting Michael McFaul of President Barack Obama's National Security Council.
As a basketball fan, I would not describe the sport as a zero-sum game, even though one team wins and one team loses.
But the Chinese media also played an ignominious role, publishing slanted articles on Japan that helped to fan the fire.
He is a big fan of 1970's rockers Deep Purple.
But they do reflect the agenda of those seeking to fan Buddhist resentment in order to thwart Myanmar's democratic transition.
A local man whose brothers all serve in the police force, a sports fan, and an amateur basketball coach, Crowley does not move in the same social circles as Gates.
Concerned about sparking an ethnic clash, Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has proclaimed a ban on open discussion of these issues, threatening to arrest Internet news providers and activists if they continue to fan such debates.
As Havel had foreseen, his job (and that of the small circle of dissidents surrounding him) would then be to fan that spark, stoke the fire - and guide it.
Though she is no fan of Putin, she did not want to stand out unnecessarily.