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repo man English

Meaning repo man meaning

What does repo man mean?

repo man

(US) A man employed by a finance company or similar lender to repossess property which is the security for a loan or subject of a lease and where payments have not been made by the borrower/lessor at agreed times (i.e. one that is in default).

Examples repo man examples

How do I use repo man in a sentence?

Simple sentences

You must not rely upon such a man.
I'm a free man.
Each man stood up in turn and introduced himself.
For a moment, he thought of going after the man.
The wicked witch cast a spell on the man and turned him into a bug.
The old man is blind in one eye.
The old man drew a large crowd around him by his music.
The old man left a large fortune to his wife.
The man blushed.
The man committed murder.
That man is skinny, but his wife is fat.
Such a man ought to succeed.
A dog can run faster than a man can.
I buy my silver from a man who has a mine on his property.
When I left the train station, I saw a man.
He's already a man.
He was a benevolent old man who volunteered to mow his neighbors' lawns for free.
The news article painted the defendant as a guilty man, even though he had been proven innocent.
No man is so old he cannot learn.
Man proposes, God disposes.
The second half of a man's life is made up of nothing but the habits he has acquired during the first half.
Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.
To the man who only has a hammer in the toolkit, every problem looks like a nail.
Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it himself.
If you see a man approaching you with the obvious intention of doing you good, you should run for your life.
He's a good man.
Every man's work, whether it be literature or music or a picture or architecture or anything else, is always a portrait of himself.
You seem an honest man.
You seem to be an honest man.
He is, indeed, a man of his word.
What a man you are!
You are quite a man.
You are the only man in the world that I can call my friend.

Movie subtitles

Did you think I'll get tricked? Do you really think I was going to get tricked by you old man!
I'm going to you old man!
Who is that man?
Why is that man crying?
I will not allow you to insult this man any further!
Whether Zero comes or not tomorrow doesn't matter. that man's defeat is assured.
What they're building here in Nanjing is a fuII-scaIe replica of one of the treasure ships of admiral Zheng He - the most famous sailor in Chinese history, the man who very nearly turned the middle Kingdom into a global empire.
Zheng He was an unusual man.
Captured in battle at the age of 1 1, he was castrated and assigned as a servant to the man who would seize the Imperial throne as Yongle.
How very different it would be for the altogether more modest voyages about to be undertaken by a remarkable man from the tiny little European kingdom of Portugal.
Man elder, can you believe this?
That young man spoke to God!
It's time to man up!
As the first man to represent Frenchmen in Algeria, my newspaper would like to devote an article to you.
It's another country, young man.
He's a man like you and me.
There, you'll contact Abd el-Kader's man.
Don't forget, Hubert, that the emir is a prophet as well as a military man and a poet.
Naouel was the mistress-servant every man secretly dreams of.
You should know that a man who trusts a woman isn't a real man.
You think a man can love several women at once?
What will happen to Algeria? - A republic means liberty, equality and fraternity for every man.
You think a man can love several women simultaneously?
The man who kills goes to Heaven.
Yeah, man, you feel so much mellower.
The first time was the hardest, man.
Hey, man, aren't you coming?
Oh, he's in so much trouble, man.
Listen, man.
That's cold, man.
Keep up the good work, kid. Hey, man, yo, uh, right here.
He is a good man. Come on.
You are the big boss man of the whole yard.
What's going on, man?
Hold on, man.
Game on, my main man!
Hey, a man's gotta feed his family, and I got a big family.
Your man here retaliated by telling the Special Activities Division you were about to blow their op wide open.

News and current affairs

He was, in the true sense of the word, a self-made man, whose pluck, ambition, drive and inner belief in his destiny carried him to the pinnacle of his achievements.
The man refused.
The fact that the man was black might or might not have made the cop go for his handcuffs even sooner than he might normally have done.
In 1992, when the world's governments first promised to address man-made global warming, they also vowed to head off the human-induced extinction of other species.
Like former Soviet leader Yuri Andropov, the only other KGB man to rule Russia, Putin will become the party's general secretary.
But it is a downright dangerous one when undertaken to benefit one man alone.
The US promised action to fight man-made climate change as a signatory to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) in 1992.
COPENHAGEN - Public skepticism about global warming may be growing, but the scientific consensus is as solid as ever: man-made climate change is real, and we ignore it at our peril.
This decline coincided with a rise in the surface temperature of the neighboring Indian Ocean, a hint that the decline in rainfall is in fact part of the longer-term process of man-made global warming.
In addition to adapting to climate change, the world must also reduce future risks to the planet by cutting back on emissions of greenhouse gases, which are the source of man-made climate change.
So many economies are vulnerable to natural disasters - earthquakes, floods, typhoons, hurricanes, tsunamis - that adding a man-made disaster is all the more tragic.
We are skeptical about unfettered individualism because of our awareness of man's sins, but also because of our profound awareness of the historical defects and aberrations in Germany's 20 th century history.
Yet, despite this deeply ingrained skepticism about human nature, we embrace humanity's talent for progress and innovation, because we recognize man's ability to correct mistakes and errors.
The radical loser is the kind of young man who feels victimized by an unfeeling, uncaring world.
The man, still refusing to step out, said he was a Harvard professor, showed his ID, and warned the cop not to mess with him.
When Sarkozy, who otherwise has such finely tuned media instincts, protests that he's no different from any other man, he comes dangerously close to confusing the office and the person of the president.
John Stuart Mill, in his classic book On Liberty, considered a situation in which a man sets out to cross a bridge that we know is unsafe.
And South Africa's last apartheid leader, F. W. de Klerk, was initially perceived as just another apologist for the system - hardly the man to free Nelson Mandela and oversee the end of white minority rule.
Fifteen-year-old Sahar Gul was forced to marry an older man who serves in the Afghan army.
A local man whose brothers all serve in the police force, a sports fan, and an amateur basketball coach, Crowley does not move in the same social circles as Gates.
One-man rule has been so completely embedded in North Korea's political culture and system that it is difficult to expect collective leadership to succeed.
An old man with a long beard watches over us, and most of us retain a pretty literal opinion of the stories about his Son told in the Bible's New Testament.
In 1950, Kundera, then a 20-year-old Communist, reportedly denounced to the criminal police as a Western spy a man he had never met - a friend of his friend's girlfriend.

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