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regularized kernel

Examples regularized kernel examples

How do I use regularized kernel in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Linux is not an operating system, but only a kernel.
I got a great kernel panic a day or two ago.
There could be a kernel of truth behind this legend.
There is a kernel of truth in what he's saying.

Movie subtitles

Facts alone, that's a nut without a kernel.
Ay, and I keep a pet kernel in the kindle at home.
Sometimes these legends hold a kernel of truth.
You are just a murky shadow, a hard kernel of indifference, a neutral gaze avoiding the gaze of others.
Try and break this fruit kernel.
Since you can't combine the three forces. You're unable to break the kernel.
The Shern touches their very kernel, their very darkness, and pries it ajar, fills it up, clears it up.
Usually people latch on to things when there is a kernel of truth.
They're going for the kernel.
They're in the kernel.
Then Hercules hits him with three lefts in a row faster than a chicken pecking at a kernel of corn.
Now, I know it's only a myth, but there's often a kernel of truth in even the wildest story.
Known as Berkeley Unix, or BSD, it was based upon the Unix kernel which had been licensed from ATT.
But there was still no free kernel.
For all of us, even the most young at heart, i suppose there's a little kernel of want having to do with reliving childhood- that grand and glorious moment in time when the biggest guy around is the patrol boy.
And their intention was eventually to develop a kernel to sit underneath those and be the center of the operating system.
The kernel happened to be one of the last things we started to do and we had started it not long before.
He developed a kernel, and got it working faster than we got ours working, and got it to work very nicely and solidly.
We decided to divide up the kernel which traditionally had been one program, to divide it up into a lot of smaller programs that would send messages to each other asynchronously to, to communicate.
When Linus developed the kernel he wasn't doing it for the GNU project.
But some of the people who did know about it decided to look for what else they could find to put together with that kernel to make a whole system.
They had found all the pieces of the GNU system which was missing just the kernel, so when they put all that together really they were fitting Linux into the gap in the GNU system.
And clearly, we knew we would eventually get the kernel done.
Thus, my friends, we form tonight the kernel of the nut which is to be.
That alone is the kernel that can ripen into the fruit of memory- -of which you never tire, no matter how many times you taste it.
Guy's got a fork through his kernel.
They're taking this kernel of truth about the brain's potential, and using it to bilk people out of their life savings.
You get that big fat kernel of starch and you can break that down and reassemble it.

News and current affairs

Chirac's outburst is so damaging to European unity precisely because it undermines this most fundamental kernel of trust.
At one time, there may have been a kernel of truth to this.
There is a kernel of truth to many of the concerns cited above, especially with respect to the current inflation problem.
Under such circumstances, there is a kernel of truth to mercantilist logic: trade surpluses contribute to GDP and employment, coming at the expense of deficit countries.
Urban's dictum contained a kernel of truth: the Catholic Church played a major role in the rebellion against communism.
While there is a kernel of truth in both narratives, each is a gross exaggeration, as is the notion that America's capacity to shape a secure and prosperous international system is in decline.
While there is a kernel of truth to each of these China-specific concerns, they do not by themselves imply a hard landing.
In effect, the rice plants' inputs are carbon dioxide, water, soil, and the sun's energy, and its output is a rice kernel containing large amounts of the proteins.
The kernel is processed to extract and purify the proteins, which are then used to formulate the improved rehydration solution.
Both perceptions distort reality, though both contain a kernel of truth.