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recuperated work

Examples recuperated work examples

How do I use recuperated work in a sentence?

Simple sentences

You must work more.
You were late for work.
You must consider what kind of work you want to do.
I'm afraid you have to work overtime.
There is nothing like a glass of beer after a whole day's work.
Hard work has brought him success.
I'll finish the work in a week or less.
If you are to succeed, you must work hard.
The television doesn't work.
The work will take anywhere from two to three weeks.
This room is pleasant to work in.
These men are used to hard work.
This hard work has made me very tired.
You must do work.
For some reason the microphone didn't work earlier.
It would take me too much time to explain to you why it's not going to work.
I have so much work that I will stay for one more hour.
Though Alfred is scrupulous in fulfilling his duties at work, he is less conscientious about his obligations at home.
Do you have work experience?
Why did you wake me up to tell me something that big? Now, I'll never be able to concentrate on my work!
Who does not work, also does not have the right to eat.
He who does not work does not have the right to eat.
Her garden is a work of art.
Every man's work, whether it be literature or music or a picture or architecture or anything else, is always a portrait of himself.
Does it also work without registration?
I work even on Sunday.
You told her that you had finished the work three days before.
It's easier to have fun than to work.
You should work hard.
You work too hard.

Movie subtitles

I wonder if it would work on me?
The work ethic, which you obviously all have.
I think it's time we leave these two to their work.
Your focus needs to be on our work.
Your Bible doesn't work.
Well of course that didn't work.
That I was wrong, and I'm gonna stay here and stick to my work!
We must all work in pairs. Remember?
That the universe doesn't work the way we were told!
You have all done the most amazing work on your missions.
Because they will not work against his. voodoo power!
With the nearest star 400 trillion kilometres away, our current technology could get us there in, say, 1 00,000 years, so travelling to see an alien civilisation clearly isn't going to work.
Then. do you really think this plan is going to work?
Let's work together.
Kapteyn began enthusiastically and it took him several years to finish the work.
This huge work became known as the Cape Photographic Durchmusterung.
It you did not want to do that, you had to work in Germany.
Henk received an invitation from Prof. Oort, the director of the Leiden Observatory, to come and work with him for a few months.
On March 10, 1950 a year and a half worth of work was lost.
In the end of 1950 he came to work at the Dutch Foundation for Radio-emission from the Sun and the Milky Way Galaxy.
I have more important work for you.
You'll be able to work faster.
I'll find work as a nurse or as a maid.
We're trying to build trust with tribes loyal to our country but the encampment policy, which was adopted against the army's advice and gave you land that belonged to the Arabs, is turning the tribes against us and undermining our work.
What work? We're the workers here, not you or them.
They work for us now.
You work your own brothers like slaves?
We tried tunnels, but that didn't work, so we tried unmanned drones.
But. that didn't work either.
Frankie. Nice work, kid.
Keep up the good work, kid. Hey, man, yo, uh, right here.
Now, I need you to get to work.
You just find a way to make it work despite whatever comes up. Hey, Lydia.
This isn't going to work. What do you want me to do?
I've told the cleaner to help me wipe off the coffee stain. He takes so much pride in his work and I can't deal a blow to his enthusiasm. Looks like as you age, your memory will worsen, isn't that right?
Within the next month, she will replace King Lee Jae Ha and carry out associate work.
Because of his age, he shouldn't work outside the office.
The truth. Honestly, that kid's truth isn't the important thing, Then. do you really think this plan is going to work?
That shaman. should come out for work today.

News and current affairs

Berlin today is vibrant and rejuvenated, rebuilt by the German peoples' hard work and sacrifice to unify the country, and an apt setting for the conference of the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET), which I was there to attend.
Those civil rights initiatives on the part of NATO reflect the increasingly workmanlike way that Russia, Europe, and America now work out their disagreements.
For the really hard work is only now beginning: dealing with all the internal practical and political problems that these enlargements will bring, as well as reckoning with countries in the membership waiting rooms, in particular Russia.
Now the key is to make this effort work.
Work on its renewal is due to start now, with the completed project ready in 2013.
Simply restricting the practice of land clearing probably would not work, since farm families and communities would face a strong temptation to evade legal limits.
It will subordinate all who really do work - traders, warriors, journalists, and others - to party ideologues whose sole job is to search for enemies.
But that doesn't mean that it won't work, at least for a time.
It makes much more sense to tax things that are bad, like pollution, than things that are good, like savings and work.
Such systems cannot work, because they eliminate the capital market as the economic system's main steering mechanism.
At the same time, the international community should work to improve the availability and effectiveness of official development assistance.
To resist these powerful pressures, fiscal councils will need to have their work audited periodically by international agencies such as the International Monetary Fund, both to protect their independence and to promote accountability.
Much less work has been devoted to adaptation.
This work is based on standard scenarios, and carries the typical caveats of predictions far into the future.
The recently created European Banking Authority has only limited powers over national supervisors, whose daily work is guided mainly by national considerations.
The single most important driver of deficit growth is weak tax revenues, owing to poor economic performance; the single best remedy would be to put America back to work.
Tax reform, however, can provide spur retraining and maintain incentives to work, even while fixing gaping fiscal holes.
To arrive at an informed answer, we need to work out how the planet will look in 2100 if we invest different amounts in adaptation and carbon cuts.
Certainly, it mollifies China's leaders, offering them a stronger incentive to continue to work within the existing international monetary regime.
Some people argue that deterrence does not work in cyberspace, owing to the difficulties of attribution.
The current approach - concentrating only on the financing needs and fiscal adjustment in 2010, and leaving all the hard choices for later - will not work.