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radix sort English

Meaning radix sort meaning

What does radix sort mean?

radix sort

(computing) Any of various sorting algorithms in which items are processed according to the value of each digit or character in turn

Examples radix sort examples

How do I use radix sort in a sentence?

Simple sentences

I'm feeling sort of tired.
What sort of book did you buy?
Tom told me he would sort it out.
What sort of clothes do you like?
It may be that the happiness awaiting us is not at all the sort of happiness we would want.
I sort of understand.
I sort of like him.
What sort of information do you get on the Internet?
What sort of curtains do you think would go with the carpet?
Tom was the sort of man you could get along with.
That sort of thing should be done away with.
I don't go in for that sort of thing.
I don't want to get involved in that sort of thing.
That is the sort of job I am cut out for.
That sort of thing can happen when you are in haste.
It took quite a while to sort out all our luggage.
I'm sort of tired.
What sort of work do you do?

Movie subtitles

Someone I sort of know.
Um. today is my last day off, so I wanted to see what sort of place Area 11 is.
You seem sort of cold towards her lately.
I guess that's sort of true.
This is sort of what God is going for.
No no no, elder, this is just the sort of thing the Mormon leaders need to be seeing.
You know, it's sort of like a. like a Jesus thing.
Any sort of alien that resembles a human is ludicrous - two eyes, a nose, and a mouth.
Carolina sort of-- she couldn't say much, but she said that she was-- they were fighting-- her and Johnny were fighting.
I don't like things that I can't explain and that I don't have at least some sort of control over.
This would be better if I had some sort of marker.
What sort of a doctor teaches?
And what sort of a doctor teaches?
She really was a lovely, bubbly sort.
I represent progress, a sort of charity.
I wanted to see if Steve left some sort of clue in the final rungs about how he would leave us.
I can't even begin to guess how it was made, but this thing serves as some sort of antenna for receiving thought-waves from The Blessed and apparently can control machines.
So with what sort of rumors are you going to regale me?
They were moving at significantly high speed. But there seems to have been some sort of explosion near 52nd Street.
I mean, it looks like some sort of serial number.
Well, sort of.
Just thought I'd surprise her sort of.
Well, after I sort of took the dark-eyed beauty away from you, I thought you might be decamping.
And every time you look up, there she is, sort of guarding over you, like a mother minding her young.
Birds singing, brooks laughing, and the wind sort of crooning through the forest. Like some great organ.
You know, you can get sort of used to having somebody not like you.
Yeah, but I sort of liked it.
Things did look sort of queer.
What sort of fag name is that?
This will all sort out, won't it? Eh?
So he's scared, but also it's sort of cool, so he's also kind of excited.
That scene was added, and I think that scene is so important to understand Allison's mind-set moving forward, because you see her as this, you know, this sort of sweet, naive girl, and then something massive happens. And then it's, you know.
Because most scenes consisted of me going crazy. To some sort of hallucination.
They're sort of the prom king and queen, so to speak, of freshman year.
She's either under some sort of spell, under a hallucination, thinks she's seeing ghosts, is actually seeing ghosts.
And then season three, she sort of comes to terms with it, which.
The sort of hopeless situation that we are in?
That's just the sort of thinking that led you into such a rough life. you big sinner.

News and current affairs

But renewal of this sort cannot be left to global market forces, as the results might not necessarily benefit European agriculture and society.
And it should not be a defensive policy of the sort that tends to concentrate on poor-quality land.
Little of this, however, is the result of design, for (unfortunately) we in Poland have not thought through what sort of foreign policy we need as a member of NATO and putative member of the European Union.
Our attitude seems to be that somehow things will sort themselves out.
But Saudi Arabia continues to be deeply wary of any sort of change, and thus remains a huge and seemingly immovable obstacle to region-wide reform.
Whatever responsibility poor adults may bear for their lot in life - they may not have worked hard enough, saved enough, or made good decisions - children's circumstances are thrust upon them without any sort of choice.
Likewise, for all the complaints about the United Nations, the US and others turned to UN peacekeepers to sort out the mess after the Lebanon War last summer.
History suggests that, in fits and starts, Iraq, like Vietnam and Lebanon, will find itself able to sort out its own affairs.
But Bush did nothing of the sort.
In Japan, sad to say, that sort of fiscal austerity remains something of a curse.
There, the pampered chimpanzee - who, when asked to sort photos of humans and apes, put his own photo among the humans - was locked in a cage with other chimps.
The Copenhagen Consensus study also examined a portfolio option of the sort heralded by the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.
Their increasing strength is a reflection of robust economic growth, which promotes production for the market rather than sheer redistribution of resources, implying a new sort of politics.
Arafat presided over a sort of anarchy, encouraging rivalries, undermining other potential leaders, and ensuring that all authority (and money) ran through his hands.
Arguably, they must first sort out the sovereign side of the crisis; but it is not clear that most officials even have a comprehensive plan.
This sort of firm is also very common in the most dynamic emerging-market economies in Asia and Latin America.
Rather than a single laboratory, such a program could be a distributed virtual enterprise, taking advantage of the sort of innovative industrial collaboration in which China currently excels.
These journalists' self-interested prejudice against a medium in which they are not the gatekeepers prevents them from conceding that Assange is a publisher, rather than some sort of hybrid terrorist blogger.
The assassination of the President of Iraq's Governing Council makes it crystal clear that the US is failing to create the minimal law-and-order needed for any sort of orderly transfer of power to take place by June 30th.
America's friends and allies need to think hard about what sort of regional order they want, and they must begin to collaborate in order to breathe life into a structure of peace within which all of Asia can prosper and feel secure.

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