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presumptive title

Examples presumptive title examples

How do I use presumptive title in a sentence?

Simple sentences

An aristocratic title is only inherited via the male lineage.
The boxer had to lose weight for the title match.
What is the title of the book?
I failed to recall the song's title.
He got a shameful title.
She sang a song, the title of which I did not know.
What's the title of the book?
This function takes two parameters, the first one is the title of the window, the second one will be the title of the icon.
The film was inspired by the novel of the same title.
I wasn't able to remember the title of that song.
I couldn't remember the title of that song.
The title of the book should be italicized.
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't remember that song's title.
What's the title of the book you're reading?
Yes, this title is to be quoted.
What's the title of that book?
The title to the house passed from father to son.
The title of the book seemed interesting.
What's the title of the movie?
Who do you think will win the tennis title this year?

Movie subtitles

What is the title of the manuscript?
Mike, it's only a title page.
In order to do this, I must obtain a noble title by marrying an aristocrat.
In 2006, following notes from the censors, the title was renamed and corrected, And tints were restored according to the conventions of the 1920s.
And the title and privileges.
Of course. And if you want to take your seat at the Parliament, before you must officially receive your title.
Here my title gives me the right to show my face.
To fate, that gave me back my title, my family, and my possessions.
If Gwymplaine renounce to his title you lose your yours of chamberlain.
What is the title of that piece?
Boy, what a title for a new song. You like that?
There, I've given you another title for a song.
It has been found by the Cinematheque Francaise under a different title.
We give it here as it was found but under its true title.
Here is your title of ownership, a plow and a horse to go with it, and a rifle to defend yourself against those bastards.
Your title to traditional tribal lands will be recognized.
Boris Karloff was definitely the studio's choice for the title role until late in preproduction.
No, the music you are hearing is not Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake, which was used under the main title for four Universal horror films, beginning with Dracula in 1931, but this is an original score by Heinz Roemheld.
What happened regarding the planned casting of Boris Karloff in the title role?
But Universal, by late 1931, was seriously considering the title as one of the follow-ups to their Dracula and Frankenstein.
The title was changed to The Island of Lost Souls.
After a long absence, since the main title, actually, music returns as underscoring for the last seven minutes of the film.
And The Invisible Man main title music was put into service whenever a rocket ship in those serials raced here and there.
Rains played the title role in Universal's opulent 1943 Technicolor remake of The Phantom of the Opera.
What strangely foolish title is it that calls me ruler. if in what concerns me most nearly, I'm to have no voice?
I want a title.
You will need a title of nobility, that only I can get through a wedding with an aristocrat.
The inter-titles have been translated based on the German inter-title texts.
Perhaps I can suggest a better title.
Title-crazy, with a fatheaded old father to buy her in and out.
When you can produce a clear title approved by the French courts. we can close the deal.
Even the title has no meaning beyond a description of the form of the music.
There's nothing left of him but the title.
Might make a pretty good title for a story.
I thought with the title of colonel.
I don't see how you can honestly grant anyone else a clear title to it except by right of possession.
There's no better title insurance than a sound court decision.
King Clothair, make claim and title to the crown of France.
All hold in right and title of the female.
Now, by this hand, I swear, I scorn the title.

News and current affairs

But, above all, what makes Obama unique, given what the US has been through during the Bush years, is the nature of the message he embodies, which is best summed up in the title of his book The Audacity of Hope.
For the American champion, the match was the consummation of two decades of chasing the title, starting from his days as a child prodigy.
The book for the new epoch has yet to be written, but I have a proposed title: Capitalism and Skepticism.
Rachel Carson's 1962 book Silent Spring had raised fears about pollution and launched the modern environmental movement; Paul Ehrlich's 1968 title The Population Bomb said it all.
The proceedings of a conference that it organized earlier this year have now been edited under the provocative title What's the Use of Economics?
Transferring title from state to private hands did not create enough real ownership.
The encyclical's title refers to the Canticle of the Sun, St. Francis's song of praise to God for all creation - the foremost expression of environmental holism within the Roman Catholic tradition.
Begin by noting that the title page of In an Uncertain World states that its authors are Robert Rubin and Jacob Weisberg.
Cambridge University Press is publishing their research and findings this month, under the title Smart Solutions to Climate Change.
Local Fatah leaders like Marwan Barghouti have tremendous power over the nationalist armed units that are loosely organized under the title of the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades.
The good news about the Bush project, so far title-free, is that it is apparently going to be different from the usual reputation polishing.
Because he is technically President of the Council (of ministers), he insists on using the title of President.
It is no coincidence that a well-known book on developmental psychology bears the title The Scientist in the Crib, a work that traces the parallels between small children's behavior and the processes and research strategies that are usual in science.
The treaty calls for a new EU foreign minister - although he is formally denied that title, this is what everyone will call him - with a strong administrative infrastructure in the European Commission and the Council.
TOKYO - Kokka no Hinkaku, The Dignity of a State, is the title of a recent book by the Japanese mathematician Masahiko Fujiwara that has sold three million copies.
Paul Ehrlich's 1968 title The Population Bomb said it all.
Clerks would not bring out files, or get you your birth certificate or land title, unless you greased their palms.
Shirk's title still captures a significant phenomenon that bedevils diplomatic affairs.
In the US, that would include such coveted funding as Title I grants for primary and secondary education, and Title IV subsidized student loans for higher education.
The title harks back to the book of Job and recalls Herman Melville's Moby Dick.
Within months, however, Musharraf had conducted a coup against the hapless Nawaz Sharif, and a year later declared himself president, a title meant to enhance his stature when he visited India for peace talks in July 2001.
The same applies to the Supreme Leader, who, despite his title, is not an absolute ruler.
BERLIN - Germany's current parliamentary election campaign looks like a front-running contender for the title of the most boring in the history of the Federal Republic.
At the same time, computer programs began to exploit huge databases of games between grandmaster (the highest title in chess), using results from the human games to extrapolate what moves have the highest chances of success.
In any case, it is clear that happiness is not dictated by one's job title or bank balance.
The rhetoric of reform was dropped as President Kibaki handed out title deeds of national trust and parkland to gain votes.
All parties to the disputes, including China, can cite geographic and historical connections to the islands to back their claims, but none of them has solid legal title under the San Francisco Treaty.
In his novel of that title Joseph Heller described the situation faced by some fighter pilots in WWII: medics can ground anyone who is crazy, provided that the pilot requests to be grounded.
The real title-holders of internal power, the governors owe their long incumbencies to the generosity with which they hand out state jobs.