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prestorage bin

Examples prestorage bin examples

How do I use prestorage bin in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Bin lived in Singapore.
Someone needs to take the bin out.
If Bin Laden comes, tell him I'm in the store.
Friday is bin day in England.
Americans are celebrating the death of Osama bin Laden.
He's fit for the loony bin.
Our wheelie bin was stolen.
Throw the egg shells in the organic rubbish bin.
I put a brick on top of the rubbish bin so the wind wouldn't tear it open.
The strong wind knocked our garbage bin over.
Tom saw a homeless man scavenging through a rubbish bin looking for food.
By a stroke of luck I found my keys in the rubbish bin.
Do you like baseball, Bin?
Uninstall method: Chuck the whole folder into the recycle bin.
Your head is not a trash bin.
The explosives were hidden in a trash bin.
The bin is empty.
Where is your recycle bin?

Movie subtitles

I got it at the gas station, but in the ten-dollar bin.
The rubbish bin's empty.
Starboard bin, and pull up.
Water! It's only a waste bin. Come on!
This isn't a hospital. This is a loony bin. A nuthouse.
I leaned the stick up against a bin while I did the shopping and when I looked for it, it was gone.
The bin hasn't been emptied for three days!
You broke into the explosives bin and stole.
I threw them in the rag bin.
You went and got them out of the rag bin?
Dump those sacks back in that bin right this instant.
Okay, you think you're such a bin shot, but you're a little nut.
Now, I happen to know that Johnny North was in on a bin mail robbery in California.
Bin operators. I had eyes.
And if you don't want it, I'll bin it.
Is this the Emperor's palace or a loony bin?
Finally, as Ali bin Pascha. I tussled with her.
What is the bin doing up there under the ceiling?
This isn't a hospital. This is a loony bin.
Is this the loony bin?
Do you know where the bin men are?
The bin men don't work on May Day.
Er, behind the trash bin downstairs.
Through the coal bin, of course.
Over there, on the right, see the coal bin?
Coal bin. courtyard. window!
You broke into the explosives bin!
To the loony bin.
What loony bin are you taking her to?
Mit Ihnen bin ich fertig.
I will look in the bread bin.
If it hadn't been for your reputation and a lot of fast talking. they'd have had you in the loony bin a dozen times by now.
I'll help you clear the bin!
Er, behind the trash bin downstairs. Ah, no.
So you got yourself this highway job. You broke into the explosives bin and stole it. - That's a lie!
Into the bin.
Well then, shall we go to the corn bin?

News and current affairs

Osama bin-Laden was finally found and killed by US Special Forces in the suburbs of Islamabad.
From bin Laden's point of view, Bush's policies were more useful for his efforts to recruit supporters than Kerry's might have been.
One would assume that Obama would prove even more unsettling to bin Laden.
The US backed Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan against the Soviets, until the US ended up fighting bin Laden.
Meanwhile, America's strategic partnership with Pakistan, where Obama won a significant symbolic victory by eliminating Osama bin Laden, is in tatters.
However badly bankers have behaved - and some clearly deserve a decade or more in the sin bin - financial services are a crucial element of London's economy.
After all, Osama bin Laden's hijacked planes not only attacked New York and Washington, they also attacked Islam as a faith and the values of tolerance and coexistence that it preaches.
They form the vast majority of people in Saudi Arabia, and have not yet embraced the uncompromising rage of Osama bin Laden's clones.
In a fit of Islamic solidarity, they went to Afghanistan and met with Osama bin Laden and the Taliban.
NEW YORK - The killing of Osama bin Laden by United States special forces constitutes a significant victory over global terrorism.
Removing Bin Laden does not end the terrorist threat.
Those revolutions, whatever their ultimate outcome, have exposed the philosophy and behavior of Bin Laden and his followers as not only illegitimate and inhumane, but actually inept at achieving better conditions for ordinary Muslims.
Now that the US has eradicated Bin Laden's physical presence, it needs to stop delaying the rest of the therapeutic process.
Even the recent death of Osama bin Laden at the hands of United States special forces does not indicate anything about American power one way or the other.
In 2004, shortly before the election, Osama bin Laden released a video tape that may have helped President Bush defeat Senator John Kerry.
Textbooks - pink for girls, blue for boys, each with different contents - emphasize the rules prescribed by Imam Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab, an eighteenth-century cleric and the founder of Wahhabism.
Forty-four Huji members were arrested, two of whom claimed to have been sent from South Africa and Pakistan by Osama Bin Laden to distribute money to the extremist madrassas.
The significance of what was accomplished stems in part from Bin Laden's symbolic importance.
Sudan bore the brunt of US retaliation, when President Bill Clinton ordered the bombing of an apparently harmless pharmaceutical factory near Khartoum as retaliation for an Osama bin Laden sponsored terrorist attack.
Bin Laden's demise, as welcome as it is, should in no way be equated with the demise of terrorism.