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precession cone

Examples precession cone examples

How do I use precession cone in a sentence?

Simple sentences

I think I will have one more ice cream cone.
Jane wanted an ice cream cone.
Mary is licking an ice cream cone.
Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay and Southern Brazil are part of the Southern Cone.
The moon looks so perfectly round. It's actually the base of a cone, you know.
The base of a cone is a circle.
A pine cone fell on Tom's head.

Movie subtitles

In its nose-cone is located the egg-shaped register-chamber with the automated imaging-instruments.
Cookie's been working on the ether cone, sir.
Thee's a vacant house on the cone.
Keep your nickel and buy yourself an ice-cream cone.
I'll even buy you an ice-cream cone. - Two scoops?
I used to toss a scoop of ice cream in the air adjust for wind drift, velocity, altitude, and, wham, in the cone every time.
A cone-shaped structure?
And the big cone on the right?
Cone on, Andy, run!
Alan and I found a gallium compound on the nose cone of Thunderbird 1.
That night at the dinner table when you sat on that ridiculous pine cone.
When I get there, pick up a cone and throw it.
It has a homing device in its nose cone.
Or ate an ice-cream cone.
Dante, the great Dante, saw great cone-like cavities stretching down to the very center of the earth.
I even remember the color of the dress you wore that Easter Sunday that you made me steal the money from the collection plate to buy the ice cream cone with.
Hey, Dad, why don't we put a fly in the nose cone?
Cone on, calm down.
Eve. cone on, you too.
Just cone in slow and easy, stranger.
I ain't ever saw a bed like that since last tine I cone east.
Lovers have parted before and cone together again.
What time did you cone to bed?
Come on. cone on.
I knew he'd cone back.
That night at dinner, when you sat on that ridiculous pine cone.
I'm getting an ice-cream cone.
This is the nose cone.
I feel your cone-shaped gland.
It's a cone-shaped container for producing chemical reactions under pressure.
For a dry martini, the ideal is a cone-shaped glass.
The nose cone of the rocket is being packed with distronic explosive.
It goes right up to the nose cone of the rocket.
There are missile tubes in the nose cone.
Carry the bombs to the nose cone.
It was like an ice-cream cone.
It wasn't like an ice-cream cone.