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power scraper

Examples power scraper examples

How do I use power scraper in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Fear of pollution discouraged people from building homes near power plants.
Uranium is used in the production of nuclear power.
They have the right and power to act on their ideas.
I have to -- oh God oh great -- remember such a string of numbers, great famous Archimedes, help the suffering, give him the power, let him recite by heart those famous, and yet for us irritating, ah, numbers of Ludolph!
Red is the color of love, passion, fertility and power.
Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.
Tom couldn't finish watching the movie because there was a power cut.
The power outages damaged the computer.
Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it.
The rebels attempted to seize power.
Don't underestimate my power.
Do not underestimate my power.
With the power of imagination, we can even travel through space.
Power and money are inseparable.
Technology has given us immense power.
The king abused his power.
The king was stripped of his power.
Hitler assumed power in 1933.
No human power can manage that.
If we let our reasoning power be overshadowed by our emotions, we would be barking up the wrong tree all the time.
Nuclear power plants are dangerous, not to mention nuclear weapons.
With every increase of scientific knowledge, man's power for evil is increased in the same proportion as his power for good.
Television can dull our creative power.
It is a task beyond my power.
It is beyond my power.
The power plant supplies the remote district with electricity.
The river furnishes electric power to the town.

Movie subtitles

The power I gave you.
Do you think you can destroy it with just that power?
This power.
Don't mistake borrowed power for your own ability!
You told me how dangerous this power was.
They were a formidable demonstration of power and technological sophistication.
Whereas in China power was centralised in the hands of the emperor, in Northern Europe particularly, there was an astonishing decentralisation.
And that's where power used to lie - with the drapers, the goldsmiths, the grocers, the haberdashers, ironmongers, mercers, the saIters, the shearers, the skinners - not forgetting the tailors and the vintners.
Dating back to the middle Ages, they're a reminder of the amazing power - economic and political - that used to be wielded by London's craftsmen and merchants.
There's no better metaphor for the relentless shift of global power than the clock.
The Forbidden City in Beijing is just one vast monument to the unity of Imperial power.
For centuries they can bask in a sweet spot of power and prosperity.
Nothing could better symboIise the transition of power from East to West.
Um, when you go to sleep at night, do you sometimes feel a power stirring inside you?
I made my contract with you. You told me how dangerous this power was.
Business is business, whoever is in power.
Our enemies want to give power to the Arabs.
Shut off the main power!
Probably. Think of how much power he used.
He used up most of his power in yesterday's battle.
He certainly doesn't look as if he has immense power, does he?
He has cunningly led us on a mission to annihilate the cyborgs, bolstering the power of The Blessed.
Tell me now, do you have the power to manipulate time?
It appears that acceleration is not his only power.
It is about power.
In season two, he feels almost like he was blessed, I guess, in a way, with this power, and that he has to use his powers for good. Here we go.
It's true. It is about power.
He's one with a lot of power.
But no matter what, they are still South America's best military power.
Egypt has the best military power in Africa.
ICC is a struggle of political power.
Immobility. The power of immobility.
At 9am this morning, the military operations power has already been handed over to the combined Korean-American headquarters.
The body of the universe. a unique existence, the power of yin and yang!
Old power or new power.?
Since that day, I have been under his power.
Our power will shine across the world across the universe!

News and current affairs

This political power, not the requirements of energy policy, is what makes giving up nuclear energy so difficult.
Such a policy has been successful in the Netherlands, substantially contributing to the development and power of the country's agribusiness.
That way, the power of competitive markets can ensure that, once a drug is developed, it is made available at the lowest possible price - not at an inflated monopoly price.
In the colonial era, it was the official purpose of imperial power to extract wealth from the administered territories.
When oil companies misbehave in Nigeria or elsewhere, they are protected by the power of their home countries.
At first sight, the easiest answer to the problem of low voter turnout is to give more power to the European Parliament.
Governments must not be given the power to control its citizens' moral code - we know that if they had such power, they would misuse it.
Despite increasing incomes, Russians are less educated and less healthy than they were when Putin came to power; they still die at a shockingly young age.
Putin's aim was to subject all power to the control of Russia's security forces.
In the end, Putin has what history left him: not ideas, just a faction yearning to consolidate its grip on power.
Having written a book about the hijacking of executive power in the United States in the Bush years, I found myself, in researching new developments, stumbling upon conversations online that embrace narratives of behind-the-scenes manipulation.
No, Kuchma wants to change Ukraine's constitution for no other reason than to maintain his grip on power.
The constitution must be reformed, but not to shift power from one unaccountable leader to another.
As legions of new consumers gain purchasing power, demand inevitably rises, driving up the price of scarce commodities.
With lucrative deals at stake for the big-ticket products that drive the French economy - military hardware, nuclear power plants, and Airbus planes - France has a strong interest in a successful summit in India.
And, while mistresses abound among the privileged classes, they do not strut publicly by their power-mates' sides.
Indeed, the opposite is true. Nuclear power is saddled with three major unresolved risks: plant safety, nuclear waste, and, most menacing of all, the risk of military proliferation.
Being a nuclear power provides sovereign states with protection and prestige.
From here, then, all that is required to become a nuclear power are a few small technical steps and political leaders' decision to take them.
Rather, the stubborn complexities of the situation are reduced to a stark struggle between absolute power and absolute powerlessness, the archetypal oppressor and archetypal oppressed.
At a minimum, currency unions require a confederation with far more centralized power over taxation and other policies than European leaders envision for the eurozone.
Al Qaeda lost its base in Afghanistan when the Taliban government that had provided it sanctuary was ousted from power.
In the past, jets flying into ash from volcanoes in the US, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Mexico have temporarily lost engine power, and in one case, dropped thousands of feet, although all managed to land safely.