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pocket anemometer

Examples pocket anemometer examples

How do I use pocket anemometer in a sentence?

Simple sentences

This is a pocket dictionary.
While doing the wash she found a condom in the back pocket of her son's pants.
Tom put his keys in his pocket.
What's in your pocket?
Tom put the note into his pocket.
She took something from her pocket and gave it to him.
He felt for his matches and found them in his back pocket.
Pocket calculators are as cheap to buy as a pair of socks, and as essential to thousands of British school children as a pencil and eraser.
Show me what you have in your pocket.
I found no money left in my pocket.
A pencil is sticking out of your pocket.
It's in my jacket pocket.
What else do you have in your pocket?
The boy has an apple in his pocket.
The boy thrust the coin into his pocket.
John took a key out of his pocket.
This book is too large to go in my pocket.
I have her in my pocket.
The boy put his hand in his pocket.

Movie subtitles

We're not quite there yet, Melanie, but good to know we have you in our back pocket.
We found this in your pants pocket.
It was found in his pocket.
But how did Jared end up with a straight razor in his pocket?
I can still see him reaching into his pocket for that sixpence.
Mr. Mayor. I realize that you're in the railroad's pocket, and I know that Ray Wyatt has it in for Mrs. Stanton.
It's not in my pocket.
Three years ago I came to Florida without a nickel in my pocket.
Here, put it in your pocket.
I've got your full records right here in my pocket.
A little clumsy to get in your pocket?
Now, mum, if hornblower puts his hand to that, he'll have been done in the eye and 6,000 out of pocket.
And me 6,000 out of pocket.
Give me that deed. you little ruffian, i see it in your pocket.
I put the money in my pocket and brought it to Ms. Delys, so no one could have seen me.
Well, I still got the pocket.
Miss, take some change out of my pocket. I can't reach my piggy bank.
Out of your coat pocket.
What's the idea, putting your hand in my pocket?
What? Put your scalp in your pocket.
Think of that tart heading for burma with 1,000 of the best in her pocket and shoving her fingers to her nose.
I've got a duplicate in my pocket.
I knew it very well when you took it out of my pocket.
I'm prepared to pocket my pride and forget, if he is.
Better take the things out of the pocket of that coat.
In the breast pocket of my overcoat.
Pull yourself together. Put your hand in my pocket and look in a hurry. Come along.
I'll do it if you let me put my hand in your back pocket for 15 seconds.
All I could think about was putting my hand in her back pocket.
And now I've got a nickel in my pocket.
Do you mind giving me a cigarette out of that pocket?
Just keep that in your pocket, Mr. Nick, and you'll win for sure.
She put it in the inside coat pocket.
Gone! - It's in your pocket.
He would like it in his pocket.

News and current affairs

I have no doubt that sometime later this century, one will be able to buy pocket professors - perhaps with holographic images - as easily as one can buy a pocket Kasparov chess computer today.
In World War II, German corporations were all too willing to profit from the slave labor of those in concentration camps, and Swiss banks were happy to pocket the gold of Jewish victims of Nazi terror.
Exporters may also choose to pocket any gains, rather than seek to expand market share.
Germans don't feel so rich anymore, so they don't want to continue serving as the deep pocket for the rest of Europe.
It also allows key employees to be hired with potentially valuable stock options that economize on out of pocket expenses.
In 1980, a gigabyte of data storage occupied a room; now, 200 gigabytes of storage fits in your shirt pocket.
The US Department of Defense was the only customer for integrated circuits in 1962, but by the end of the decade consumers were buying transistor radios and pocket calculators in droves.
Similarly, under current law, soldiers will answer not to Baghdad but to regional powerbrokers, while the Iraqi constitution guarantees local governments the right to pocket the revenue that flows from new oil fields within their jurisdiction.
But this is politically impossible at present, because Germany is adamantly opposed to serving as the deep pocket for its profligate partners.
Icelandic banks, for example, took deposits in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, and swept them back to Reykjavik, leaving the host countries out of pocket.
In the United States, health insurers cover the cost only if a first-degree relative - for example, a woman's mother - has had a history of breast or ovarian cancer; other women must pay out of pocket.
As the slogan goes: euro in your wallet, Europe in your pocket.
In fact, while Clark's paltry fine presumably at least comes out of his own pocket, the penalty levied on JPM is to be paid largely by its shareholders.
These Wall Street princes were smarter in one way, however: they managed to pocket a fortune while the rest of us are stuck with the mess they left behind.
But this is politically impossible at present, because Germany is adamantly opposed to serving as the deep pocket for its profligate partners. Therefore, makeshift arrangements will have to be found.
Moreover, while Germany has been a steadfast supporter of European integration, it is understandably reluctant to become the deep pocket that finances bailouts in the euro zone.
Properly structured, it would relieve Germany's anxiety about other countries picking its pocket.
The foreign currency earned by the export of missiles and nuclear or other weapons goes either directly into Kim Jong-Il's pocket, or is used to fund further nuclear development.