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planation surface English

Synonyms planation surface synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as planation surface?

planation surface English » English

plane surface erosion surface

Examples planation surface examples

How do I use planation surface in a sentence?

Simple sentences

The surface of this road is less than four meters wide.
One third of the earth's surface is desert.
Although rainforests make up only two percent of the earth's surface, over half the world's wild plant, animal and insect species live there.
There is no surface difference between them.
A gentle wind made ripples on the surface of the pond.
Its surface was as flat as a mirror.
The surface of the object is fairly rough.
This problem seems to be easy on the surface, but it's really difficult.
This table has a smooth surface.
The seals surface more frequently then, so a bear's chance of catching one at a breathing hole is greater after nightfall.
Three-fourths of the earth's surface is water.
About one third of the earth's surface is land.
Tires wear down because of friction between the rubber and the road surface.
That desert looks like the surface of the moon.
A fallen leaf floated on the surface of the water.
The surface of the moon is irregular.
Water makes up most of the earth's surface.
The calm surface reflected her features like a mirror.
One fifth of the earth's surface is covered by permafrost.
Three-fourths of the earth's surface is covered with water.

Movie subtitles

There's no hard surface.
One such planet, Corot 7B, orbits so close to its star that surface temperatures reach as high as 1,600 degrees Celsius.
We don't know that life has to evolve on the surface of small, rocky planets.
Imagine a world so much hotter than the Earth that there are no oceans, no liquid water at all on its surface.
Venus had water, and probably vast oceans on its surface.
And as Venus got hotter, more and more water from its surface evaporated into the atmosphere, trapping the heat even more.
Even if it weren't that hot, the atmospheric pressure at the surface is 90 times the Earth's atmospheric pressure, so you'd be crushed.
In 2008, a probe visited to the Martian surface, the Phoenix Mars Lander, and it made an amazing discovery.
The key question is; how far down does the water persist beneath the surface and if you go far enough, is the pressure and temperature high enough that the water would be liquid, not in the form of ice?
And scientists are also excited about what they believe to be an ocean underneath the surface of Jupiter's frozen moon, Europa.
Titan's atmosphere and surface features are similar to Earth's 3.5 billion years ago.
And it's cold enough that the methane precipitates and drops, like raindrops, and falls out onto the surface of Titan.
OK, let's use this time to calculate surface area of burns.
The shell balances and thanks to the hermetically sealed air in its interior rises slowly to the surface.
They'll have to surface eventually. Don't stop 'til then.
It would appear someone's detected the sensor I sent up to the surface.
A small white spot on the skin surface, cold and insensitive.
You know, if you scratch under the surface here you'll find a proposal lying around.
People seldom go to the trouble of scratching the surface of things to find the inner truth.
I really wouldn't care to scratch your surface, Mr. Kralik because I know exactly what I'd find.
There are a thousand and one little things that go on underneath the surface.
Why is he buring the ship? Trying to surface the sub.
If they think we're sinking, they won't waste a torpedo on us. They may surface.
She won't surface.
It may be that when his life at last comes to an end he will leave no more trace of his sojourn on this earth than a stone thrown into a river leaves on the surface of the water.
You could have gotten a soft job on the surface.
His defects were on the surface, but he was generous of heart and kindly toward his fellow creatures.
I had no wish to surface under their noses, though I doubt if they would have noticed me even if I had.
That robot was prohibited from any activity at surface level.
It won't affect humans, but robots working on the surface may malfunction.
The larvae have to rise to the surface to breathe.
If it stays parallel to the surface it's anophelese.
Why allow such hatred to remain beneath the surface festering?
Trying to bring that sub to the surface.
They may surface.
The top of the well must be above the ground so surface water can not enter.
The well must be placed slightly elevated, so surface water flows from the well.
The same subtle cruelty just beneath the surface.
Here in Germany, on the surface and underground.
A log came up to the surface.

News and current affairs

Indeed, on the surface it seems to be its perfect antithesis: the collapse of a wall symbolizing oppression and artificial divisions versus the collapse of a seemingly indestructible and reassuring institution of financial capitalism.
Usually, conspiracy theories surface where people are poorly educated and a rigorous independent press is lacking.
This decline coincided with a rise in the surface temperature of the neighboring Indian Ocean, a hint that the decline in rainfall is in fact part of the longer-term process of man-made global warming.
On the surface, the world's two largest economies have little to fear.
Reservations against FDI (as against anything foreign) can be found in all groups of countries, and politicians can bring them to the surface, resulting in protectionism.
Since 1900 the global temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and ocean surface waters has risen by 0.5-1 degree Celsius, and the prime suspect is atmospheric carbon dioxide, CO2, which is second only to water vapor in its greenhouse effect.
This equilibrium is, in turn, determined by the temperature of ocean surface water.
But, beneath the surface, unease in the bilateral relationship persists, partly for historical reasons.
On the surface, Microsoft and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin's police look like strange bedfellows.
Manmade global warming raises not only air temperatures, but sea-surface temperatures as well.
Indeed, there is volatility just beneath the surface.
On the surface, at least, the mini-revaluation hardly seems to have compromised China's ability to bend exchange markets to its will.
Paradoxically, these exercises were undertaken during a period when bilateral political and economic ties appeared on the surface to be at their highest point.
On the surface it appears that the United States apologized to China, but what commitments did the US assume, really?
One thing to be learned, if we didn't know this already, is how close racial sensitivities are to the surface of US life, despite the election of a black president.
Water flows on the surface and underground.
Nevertheless, strategic anxiety lurks below the surface, particularly in India.
On the surface, the numbers speak for themselves.
That is why hurricanes occur in hot tropical regions, and at the end of the summer months, when the sea surface temperatures are at their annual maximum.
Higher sea-surface temperatures translate into more powerful storms in the world's oceans.
There were, of course, a number of subjects that remained just below the surface and were not discussed at this year's CDF.

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