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pit lizard English

Meaning pit lizard meaning

What does pit lizard mean?

pit lizard

(slang, sometimes, derogatory) A female groupie who pursues racing drivers.

Examples pit lizard examples

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News and current affairs

Farmers were digging a pit in the riverbed, down to the water table approximately two meters below ground level.
Most modern cases of sanctions pit a large country against a small country, though there are a few cases involving countries of equal size, such as the long quarrel, from the 1950s to the 1980s, between the United Kingdom and Spain over Gibraltar.
Nor does it pit Europe against other regions.
According to Der Spiegel, even members of Chancellor Angela Merkel's staff are now describing the policy as a massive money pit.
Discussions over expenditures should not pit pediatricians against oncologists but instead, patients and physicians should discuss with governments overall expenditures for health and non-health needs.
Unfortunately, while a wealth tax may be a sound way to help a country dig out of a deep fiscal pit, it is hardly a panacea.
Human rights bodies, media associations, and lawyers' organizations are expected to defy the emergency, which will pit them against the security forces.
Their bodies were then chopped up, covered in quicklime, burnt, buried, dug up, and buried again in an unmarked pit.
Its first task will be to remove those provisions of Iraq's constitution that pit Iraq's Sunni, Shia, and Kurds against one another.
The risk that rising inflation in emerging Asia could spill over into Europe will pit the Bank's inflation hawks against those in favor of ensuring as fast a return to full employment as possible.
President George W. Bush's desire to shatter the Arab world's frozen societies was meant to pit the forces of modernization against the traditional elements in Arab and Islamic societies.
But those divisions were manipulated with the same sort of cynicism that Slobodan Milosevic and Franjo Tudjman used to pit Serbs, Croats, and Bosnian against each other in the former Yugoslavia.
Indeed, many of the region's territorial disputes pit China against US allies.
While Germany and France disagreed on the concessions they were willing to offer, Greece could not pit one position against the other.
It will also pit the big carbon emitters of the future, like India and China, against present polluters like the US and Europe.
As long as the military, intelligence, and nuclear establishments remain unaccountable to the civilian government, Pakistan, the region, and the world will continue to be at risk from the jihadist snake pit that the country has become.
In 1960, the long neglected pit for the palace's foundation was transformed into an open-air swimming pool.
Whether Iraq can be held together despite the ethnic and religious confrontations that pit Kurds against Arabs and Sunnis against the Shi'a is one of the most pregnant questions for the new Middle East.

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