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pink fritillary English

Meaning pink fritillary meaning

What does pink fritillary mean?

pink fritillary

(= adobe lily) California herb with pinkish purple flowers

Synonyms pink fritillary synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as pink fritillary?

pink fritillary English » English

adobe lily Fritillaria pluriflora

Examples pink fritillary examples

How do I use pink fritillary in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Who is the girl in the pink dress?
Her face became pink.
Please do not think of a pink elephant right now.
Could you lend me your pink pen, please?
The pig is pink.
My favorite color of lipstick is pink.
Tom only uses pink Himalayan salt.
The boss called Jim into his office and gave him his pink slip.
The color is purple rather than pink.
Pink roses are beautiful.
She picked out a pink shirt for me to try on.
I like the green bicycle more than the pink.
The pink pillow is clean.
She wore a pink belt that was as ugly as it was expensive.
I'd describe him as a middle-aged man in a yellow jacket, orange tie and a pink shirt.
Today, I saw a woman in pink crocs and I believe that that is the best contraceptive I have ever seen.
Section 214b, in my opinion one of the stranger provisions of the Land of Schleswig-Holstein's General Administrative Code, seems to imply that somebody who sees a pink elephant must give it a receipt.
He drives a pink Cadillac.
We ordered pink, but we received blue.
Who is the woman dressed in pink?
He's tickled pink.
There was a pink slip waiting for her at the office.

Movie subtitles

She's very pink.
Okay, let's see. pink pill with the number 55 on it.
Do you know how hard it is to get pink peonies this time of year?
Oh! - I mean, and Pink Ladies?
He's running for the pink vote which is a statement, not a realistic manifesto.
Pink wafer.
I could eat a pink wafer.
I've eaten a whole packet of pink wafers and all the pains are coming in my back.
Or pink?
Tickled pink.
Strike me pink.
Strike me pink!
Why not pink tights?
Boxes with flowers, and pink lampshades. string orchestra and I don't know.. Willow plumes, Inverness capes. dry champagne and snow on the ground.
The boy's wearing his white spats and going to pink teas.
The zoo? Ja. One of our elephants is seeing pink men.
Or maybe a Pink Lady by visible, but not a Parmacheene Belle.
I think I'll wear the pink.
I look awful cute in pink.
Undone by a Parmacheene Belle. and I thought his weakness was a Pink Lady.
I've heard everything. I'm going out to get some popcorn and pink lemonade.
He isn't all right, he isn't in the pink and it was 1:44 instead of 1:36 and the only place he'll go is where the sheriff takes him.
On an empty stomach? I want some more pink ladies.
I'll get you some more pink ladies.
We don't want a wine list. No? We want a flock more of pink ladies.
That's right. Bring a lot of pink ladies.
Okay. Okay, let's see. pink pill with the number 55 on it.
I mean, and Pink Ladies?
Maybe it's 'cause you wore pink pants.
Pink ones.
What are those 2 pink spots on your cheek?
Pink spots? Where?
I ain't seen nothin' like you since the last time I was drunk. and them green snakes and pink buffalos. I can account for them, but you.

News and current affairs

According to the popular business writer Daniel Pink, giving meaning or sense to a product or a service is increasingly becoming the main source of added value.
Farmers were left with a pink grain that they were told not to eat, only to plant.
Children supposedly liked the pink bread.
To stress the urgency, a death penalty for possessing pink grain after that date was declared.
He was a grown man to everyone but Nanny, always remaining for her a small, pink, frightened, tear-stained child.
The Burmese monks, together with nuns in pink robes, were soon joined by students, actors, and others who want to be rid of the military junta.
The park's waterways contain one-tenth of the world's remaining 1,000 giant river otters, along with black and speckled caiman, pink river dolphins, and capybaras.
Textbooks - pink for girls, blue for boys, each with different contents - emphasize the rules prescribed by Imam Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab, an eighteenth-century cleric and the founder of Wahhabism.
At his side sits Martin Wolf of The Financial Times, so a good reception in the pink pages can be expected.
By then the sowing season was long over. Farmers were left with a pink grain that they were told not to eat, only to plant.

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