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pileated parrot English

Synonyms pileated parrot synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as pileated parrot?

pileated parrot English » English

red-cappe parrot

Examples pileated parrot examples

How do I use pileated parrot in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Jack keeps a cat and a parrot at home.
My parrot can quote Shakespeare!
The parrot is dead.
My parrot died yesterday.
At school, we had to recite times tables parrot-fashion.
A parrot can imitate the human voice.
Would you like to hear the parrot talk?
Einstein is a very smart parrot.
Chiqui is a parrot that speaks Esperanto.
This parrot has green feathers.
The parrot and the pirate are best friends.
Tom is talking to his parrot.
Tom was embarrassed when his parrot came out with a string of obscenities in front of Mary's mother.
A parrot was perched on the captain's shoulder.
A parrot can mimic a person's voice.
A parrot can imitate human speech.
Irene Pepperberg holds a round tray in front of a parrot she has named Alex.
She keeps a parrot as a pet.
Christopher Columbus once decided to burn absolutely everything in an entire village after one of the natives stole his parrot. He was disappointed that he couldn't burn their water. So he invented fluorine.
There's a parrot in the birdcage.
I have a parrot in a cage.

Movie subtitles

Stop spouting scripture and do as you're told, you croaking old parrot.
If Mary can take her parrot, why shouldn't I take my musical box?
How's business at the Blue Parrot?
Ferrari wants you to work for him at the Blue Parrot.
We could've arrested him at the Blue Parrot.
He's got a girl up at the Blue Parrot.
You'll find him at the Blue Parrot.
Stop talking like an infernal parrot, Murdoch.
But how could I speak to you in words I have memorized. like a parrot or a child?
He'll be sent away to sea as a smooth-faced boy. and the next thing we know, he'll come walking in with a long beard and a parrot.
My throat's like a parrot's cage.
A parrot.
The record shows 139 war brides, 126 children of war brides, 9 dogs, 3 cats, 2 canaries, one parrot.
Parrot bit me.
Really, Sherry, you've got this room looking like an old parrot cage.
Oh, he never- He's got a girl up at the Blue Parrot.
Get a cat and a parrot and live alone in single blessedness.
There's a parrot!
Imagine a parrot nipping a man.
Oh, yes, I love parrot stories.
You all like parrot stories?
This is about the old maid and the parrot.
This old maid, she had a parrot that cursed a blue streak. and knew more vulgar expressions than Mr. Kowalski.
Sort of. sort of like a parrot.
Ah! There's a parrot!
Well, the only way to hush the parrot up was to put the cover.
Well, the only way to hush the parrot up was to put.
Sure they kiss, no, parrot?
To walk like a parrot?

News and current affairs

Typical of China, state-owned media that carried the original story instantly retracted their reports to parrot the party line.
But it should be easy - at least for an average parrot - to tell whether a fall in sales is due to a shortage of supply or a shortage of demand.
McCulloch's parrot would call this conclusive.

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