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Examples piggy-back examples

How do I use piggy-back in a sentence?

Simple sentences

I will be back soon.
You must be back on Sunday at the latest.
You must come back before nine o'clock.
Turn on your back.
I don't wanna go back.
Wait here till I come back.
He asked me to wait there until he came back.
I will give you back the CD in a week.
There used to be a big cherry tree at the back of my house.
Jane was waiting with her back against the tree.
I do not know when she will come back.
Give me a telephone call when you get back.
I'll be back right away.
I'll call them tomorrow when I come back.
Back in high school, I got up at 6 a.m. every morning.
I have to go shopping. I'll be back in an hour.
It's over between us. Give me back my ring!
Avoid opening the window; I have no great desire to feel air currents on my back.
If I showed you my house, my neighborhood back then, would you understand where I am from?
Look how they all speak ill of me behind my back because I married a woman thirty years younger than me.
I have to give back the book before Saturday.
I'm glad to see you back.
You should pay back your debts.
You are to stay here until we come back.

Movie subtitles

Or back leg?
If I could put you back into my stomache!
I'll drive Minjoo home and come back.
I'll make a lot of money, and go back to Korea.
Go back and do your dance.
I am not giving them back..
Turn around and back away three steps.
I'll be back, my love.
Everyone back off.
I can't go back.
The lower classes should just obey their betters without any back talk!
Back off.
Come back at once!
It's almost as if the clock is being wound back 600 years, to the last time China led the world.
But. I can't go back. I can't return.
After 6 p.m., when the Observatory's personnel had left, we were allowed to leave the room, but at 8 a.m. we had to be back.
Henk came back after a few months with a very intriguing story.
But back then there was only a small number of participants, because students could not attend and also because travel was difficult during the war.
It then drops a bit, rises again to an even higher maximum and finally drops back to zero.
I'll be back tomorrow.
If we leave, Algeria will go back to chaos.
Believe me, you should head back to Oran.
Back to the harem.
Life will go back to how it was!
Only equality and progress can give Arabs their dignity back.
Go back to your people and live peacefully.
They make promises here, while back in Algiers.
I'll do it if you let me put my hand in your back pocket for 15 seconds.
All I could think about was putting my hand in her back pocket.
Oh. Okay, look, I'll get your money back.
Know what, pal D Don't worry about paying me back.
Pork Chop gets back.
I thought about it, I realized that wouldn't really change things. Let's hook back outside.
Look, I got a free catcher, I got one of Nick's crew suspended, and I got Nick to turn his back on one of his best friends.
Don't you? Four days later, Johnny came back from his suspension.
Nick, I'm back.
I sat back and waited for him to get busted, as I knew he would.
Then, when he did, I made this huge deal about turning my back on him.
But that was only to get Frankie's trust when he came back.
My friend was lying to my face and going behind my back. Yeah.
Just thought you might want to know, Frankie and his crew are going to hit back.

News and current affairs

If foreign financing is not forthcoming, yields on US government debt will rise and the US economy will fall back into recession.
He never found his way back, and when confronted with the New Politics of primaries and populism, he became dispirited when he could not cope with this new style.
HONG KONG - A recent trip to Berlin brought back memories of an earlier visit in the summer of 1967, when I was a poor student who marveled at the Wall that would divide and devastate an entire society for another two decades.
But revelations about the nuclear weapons smuggling network organized by A. Q. Khan, the father of Pakistan's bomb, confirm the danger I predicted back then.
The aim must be not only to win back the hearts of Europeans who have become skeptical, but also to convince them that the Union is indispensable to meeting the challenges Europeans face.
But if your instincts betray you, you go back to even deeper ones.
In addition, the EU should create a small but effective military force (say, 5,000 troops) to back up the common body's decisions.
Luckily, there has never been a better time for the West--particularly the EU--to nudge Ukraine back from the brink.
But Obama also knows that if the existing nuclear states want others to accept tougher restrictions, they will have to cut back their nuclear arsenals.
But we can take it a step further back: people's income is lower and their jobs are insecure because they were not spending a short time ago - and so on, backwards in time, in a repeating feedback loop.
Last winter, America's central bank - the Federal Reserve - was busy patting itself on the back.
The time is right for a new global settlement that targets growth, addresses crisis conditions in certain parts of the world, and rebalances the global economy to set it back on a path of strong and steady growth.
WASHINGTON, DC - Dropping bombs as a solution to the world's trouble spots may be falling out of fashion (with the notable exception of Libya), but finger wagging is definitely back in.
Afghanistan is in danger of falling back into the hands of terrorists, insurgents, and criminals, and the multi-billion-dollar opium trade is at the heart of the country's malaise.
Most people in the US know that if you talk back to the police, they will get nasty very fast.
The question now is whether governments will give Judge Goldstone's findings the serious attention they deserve, or instead fall back into an overtly political posture.
The single most important driver of deficit growth is weak tax revenues, owing to poor economic performance; the single best remedy would be to put America back to work.
On October 24, people in nearly every country will be taking action to raise awareness of the need for an international treaty to bring our atmosphere back to 350 ppm of CO2.
The current attempt by Republicans in the US Congress to roll back America's effort to ban incandescent bulbs has revived this discussion.
Moreover, measures have been implemented to push back, successfully, against terrorists.