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pharyngeal arch

Examples pharyngeal arch examples

How do I use pharyngeal arch in a sentence?

Simple sentences

A rainbow is a seven-colour arch in the sky.
Cats arch their backs.
St. Louis, Missouri is famous for the Gateway Arch and the Anheuser-Busch Brewery.
He was the last Arch Seneschal of the Holy Roman Empire.

Movie subtitles

Full dress rehearsal, 4:00. Arch Street Theater.
We open at the Arch Street Theater tomorrow night.
I shall live at Mrs. Wickett's house, just opposite Main Arch.
Hmm? Move its legs, or arch its neck?
We saw you pass the library arch, and we kind of got a little problem on our hands.
I know a couple of short cuts after Marble Arch.
Yes, I felt a cold coming on. so I denied myself the always questionable pleasure of dining. with that arch-arguer Roger Hinchley and decided to come back to bed.
Form an arch and all follow through.
I bet he wears arch supporters.
Can you imagine such a weapon in the hands of an arch criminal?
However, such experiments, we had better leave to the arch criminal, don't you think?
You were together under the arch!
Arch your back and curtsy slightly.
Except, perhaps, in the form of this characteristic arch.
Every arch, every column, every statue is a carved leaf out of our history.
Move its legs, or arch its neck? Or - Or wag its tail?
From the time you're about so big and wondering why your girlfriends' fathers are getting so arch all of a sudden.
It's my theory that this chap Meade is the arch-criminal and he's behind the whole thing.
In that little bistro near the Arch.
I will not see Paris again until I, through this Arch of Triumph, march.
The Brandenburg Gate, an arch of triumph until they got out of the habit.
Then I realized this arch was man-made.
The crucifix and the figures are now placed on the choir wall, but were placed over the choir arch in Catholic times.
He was there with you under that arch!
Maximilian was an arch-duke and all of his relatives were of royal blood.
She never, ever slept under an arch.
O, 'tis the spite of hell, the fiend's arch - mock to lip a wanton in a secure couch and to suppose her chaste.
And now listen to me. The Saracen'll throw themselves with a big arch, right? He's going to resist.
Arch Stanton.
Arch Stanton?
Well, what the hell's going on, Arch?
The uncle, arch-priest Don Rosello, looked after them like his children. they spent their entire adolescences in his home.
Arch-priest Rosello would like to give it to you personally.
If you were a pilot would you fly through the Triumphal Arch?

News and current affairs

In 1988, just months before the election, Raymond Barre (a former Prime Minister) was the arch-favorite, but did not even qualify for the second-round run-off.
From another perspective, Friedman was the arch-opponent and enemy of Keynes and his successors.
But then the judges had the misfortune of realizing their fondest dream - trying in their court the arch-villain Slobodan Milosevic.
Moreover, unlike the Serbs or Bulgarians, Romanians have always perceived Russia as their arch-enemy, sentiments made white hot up during the communist era.
For Saudi Arabia is a country in which both rulers and ruled are equally arch- conservative, adhering, for the last two centuries, to the puritanical Wahhabi doctrine of Islam.
A Roman Catholic arch-diocese (headed by either a Cardinal or Archbishop) was to be created for Moscow.
An arch of blue (Democratic) states in the East, North, and West spans a huge red (Republican) area in the middle and the South.
The equation of state with nation is the arch-heresy of our time.
Even though the arch-realist Henry Kissinger endorsed the war in Iraq, his brand of realpolitik was the primary target of neo-con intellectuals.
Second, the researchers committed the arch-statistical mistake of confusing correlation with causation.
It is also worrying that some of the women Abe has selected for his cabinet and for key party posts are arch-conservatives who advocate that women stay at home and take care of children.
Indeed, Germany's reconciliation with its arch-enemy, France, remains the foundation of today's European Union, helping to incorporate Germany into the common European market, with a view to the eventual political unification of Europe.
And now President Yeltsin vehemently denounces America's retaliation against the arch-terrorist Osama bin Ladin and his terrorist camps in Afghanistan.
Supported by Saudi Arabia, Pakistan sought strategic depth against its arch-enemy India with the help of militant religious students from Afghan refugee camps.