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pesticide abuse

Examples pesticide abuse examples

How do I use pesticide abuse in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Tonight, a young man got into enclosure and tried to sexually abuse some sheep.
People exploit and abuse animals at will.
Tom is suspected of child abuse.
We don't need to kill, torture, abuse and exploit animals to have all necessary nutrients for adequate lives.
She walked out on her boyfriend after three years of abuse.
Child abuse is against the law.
They're against animal abuse.
People shouldn't abuse animals.
One must not abuse animals.
The World Health Organization says alcohol abuse is the third leading cause of death and disability in the world.
I'm against any kind of abuse.
Evil comes not from technique, but from those who abuse it.
How long, O Catiline, will you abuse our patience?
Tom has a history of drug abuse.
The defendant has no history of drug abuse.
It's an abuse of power.
Every person has the power to abuse their privileges.
The taxi driver couldn't take Mary's abuse anymore and left her at an abandoned factory.
He flung a stream of abuse at me.
Sexual abuse victims often disassociate from their trauma.
Everyone has the right to be stupid. Some people just abuse that privilege.
The abuse of alcohol among young people is a serious problem.
Less than five percent of perpetrators of child sexual abuse are female.
That's an abuse of authority.
It is, no doubt, an immense advantage to have done nothing, but one should not abuse it.
Sami was technically a good doctor, but his alcohol abuse prevented him from practising.