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perforation row

Examples perforation row examples

How do I use perforation row in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Yes! I won twice in a row!
We went to the lake to row a boat.
The player won the championship three times in a row.
That athlete won three times in a row in this tournament.
The student missed class three times in a row.
We couldn't row against the strong current.
They were standing in a row.
I noticed that she sat in the front row.
She put her CDs in a row on the shelf.
There was a row of about 20 stalls at the fair.
I am sitting in a row.
It snowed for ten days in a row.
He always took a seat in the front row.
They have lost 10 games in a row since their winning streak ended.
His beating four competitors in a row won our high school team the championship.
I have a few tickets in row 15.
It rained five days in a row.
It rained for three days in a row.
She is on death row.
Tom sat in the front row.
Tom is on death row.

Movie subtitles

You know, if I was gonna miss two family functions in a row, I'd have to lay it on pretty thick.
All right, this one goes out to all the fellas in the front row with the, uh, construction boots, the, uh, button-down shirt, the cropped black hair.
Try to keep this in mind, and stop acting as if you were on death row.
Row row row your boat, gently down the stream. Come on!
Oh, don't let's have a row. I'm sorry.
Had another row with Frank?
I don't know what this is all about, but it's a private row.
Why, they don't matter a row of gingerbread compared to the schemes i've got for bettering this neighborhood.
I've been on hot brick s all these months, ever since the row started and dawker began to spy on me.
You can row yourselves to your blasted island and stay there.
Row, you blasted bourgeois.
What is the row, old man?
Knock me for a row at ninepins if it isn't little Miss Jane.
Well, I can't sing, row the boat and admire you all at the same time.
I thought she might row by in a boat.
It'll mean a row with Warren.
Suppose he kicks up a row?
Well, you can kick up a row too.
In the second row on the aisle.
You want row a Nova Iorque, now, huh?
I mean, wouldn't it be better if you had someone to row, maybe?
Who I get to row? Doc?
I could row.
You row this boat, huh?
And you can go row your old boat all by yourself.
All right, this one goes out to all the fellas in the front row with the, uh, construction boots, the, uh, button-down shirt, the cropped black hair. - Okay, they got it, Kells.
That's four pairs in a row.
Look, the woman seated in the second row isn't bad.
That night, having lost 9 times in a row. she was annoyed by her bad luck. She doubled, then tripled her bets.
It did it again. 3 times. then 5 times in a row!
That's twice in a row.
All in a neat row. And what do we get out of it?
Suppose you ask your brother to take you for a nice row? Follow me? Rather.
I can row all right now.
Tobacco Row.
What's the matter? A little family row?
If you ask me, it don't amount to a row of beans.

News and current affairs

Water immersion in a tub could last up to 12 seconds, no more than two hours a day, for up to thirty days in a row.
For them, it seems out of the question that Europe can have two good years in a row.
At one point, according to press reports, the row became so serious that French President Nicolas Sarkozy had to intervene.
We could, for example, tear down San Francisco's row houses and replace them with buildings more like those of New York's Upper West Side.
The only party in the region with a concrete political agenda is El Salvador's right-wing ARENA party, which has won three elections in a row and appears likely to win a fourth.
Second, the Europeans have now chosen three managing directors in a row who resigned before the end of their term.
NEW YORK - Like an inmate on death row, the euro has received another last-minute stay of execution.
In Germany ministers and the entire civil service bank on the premise that there is such a thing as a knowledgeable society and that a country with a good education has a seat in the front row.
According to this view, we have simply rolled the dice and won five times in a row.
Despite this rosy picture, China could be the cause of a major transatlantic row if Europeans make good on their intention to lift the arms export embargo in place since the Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989.
Moreover, after a seemingly unending litany of stories about tainted Chinese products, a row has now erupted between China and the United States regarding contaminated Chinese heparin, a blood thinner.
Investment rates have been low for three years in a row.
But then a wide range of inherently different countries seemed to line up like a row of dominos.
Thanks to satellite television, the world had a front-row seat to watch the citizens of Sarajevo, who were kept alive by UN food deliveries, being killed by shelling and sniping from the surrounding hills.
There will always be statistical flukes in the data, just as any series of coin tosses can produce an unexpected string of seven heads in a row.
In the United States, for the fifth year in a row, Congress has yet to pass a full-fledged budget, let alone dealt with the economy's growth and employment headwinds.
But then the RMB fell unexpectedly, hitting the bottom of the daily trading band set by the Peoples' Bank of China (PBoC) for 11 sessions in a row.
We are only claiming what is rightfully ours - a place in the front row of international relations.
The row over the Iran deal is bound to be a watershed moment for American Jews, among whom sharp divisions have formed.
There must be some explanation for China choosing this moment even for an unnecessary and ham-fisted row with the Vatican.
So, despite the ousting of two Thaksin proxies in a row by the court and the elite, Thais are likely to return yet another Thaksin loyalist if they are allowed to vote in an unrigged election.
The latest row about the so-called Lisbon Treaty, caused by its rejection in a referendum in Ireland, reminds everyone of Europe's main problem.