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perforated tile

Examples perforated tile examples

How do I use perforated tile in a sentence?

Simple sentences

I put your name on the tile.
We want to re-tile our terrace and therefore removed the tiles with a power hammer yesterday.
This house has a clay tile roof.
The tile which fell from the roof broke into pieces.

Movie subtitles

Food, shelter, lots of ancient weapons, Custom tile and junk.
I was watching the. - A tile fell and struck the governor.
I put my hand on the ledge. A tile was loose. It gave way.
I leaned on the tile, and it broke loose.
Ceramic tile.
I transmitted to you as the tile.
Here's the superglue and the tile.
Snakes, as you know, live in mortal fear of tile.
Compensation will my friend for the tile.
And the very next day, a slave who was washing the floor noticed a loose tile.
Tile it.
You have still not fixed the tile roof.
The bathroom tile had to be rerouted.
In fairness to this individual, we will destroy this tile.
Now, could it be caused by a tile falling off the roof or a piece of the coping?
A tile fell and struck the governor.
A tile was loose. It gave way.
It says it's good for dishes, clothes, woodwork. and even the tile around your swimming pool.
Some can split a roof tile with one finger.
Last on the dial, first in tile.
Even the tile is falling apart.
I'll preside over the session of the Proletarian Writers,.unless a roof tile falls on my head.
A roof tile never falls on a person's head by chance.
Don't be afraid of roof tile.
Snakes, as you know, live in mortal fear of. Tile.
We're trying it in tile and clay.
We don't even own our four bare walls. or a tile off the roof of our house.
I am very, I have been 3 days in the tile roof.
A tile fell and struck the governor. - It wasn't my fault.
They protect from the sunlight and the rain, falling roof tile, runny nose, baldness or at least conceal baldness.
Look at the tile.
I caught all that jacks on the roof of the old house, they are changing the broken tile.
Picture, like, hanging plants maybe, and a really nice tile floor.
We have colorful tile roofs, typical cobblestone streets. and very rich fields.
What'd you want to do. just drop down on the tile and go for it?