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penthouse roof

Examples penthouse roof examples

How do I use penthouse roof in a sentence?

Simple sentences

That car has a roof rack.
We had our roof blown off.
I am on the roof now.
I don't want to climb on the roof.
There are leaks in the roof.
There's a small leak in the roof that needs fixing.
That house with the red roof is Tom's.
Fossil fuel prices shot through the roof.
You can see for miles from the roof.
The roof was damaged by the storm.
The roof was blown off by the explosion.
I saw the moon above the roof.
I see a bird on the roof.
The bird on the roof is a crow.
What is the name of the building whose roof you can see?
The house whose roof you can see is Mr Baker's.
Rain was pattering on the roof.
What is that building with the green roof?
That's Tom's house with the red roof.
The roof is really in need of repair.
We have to clear the snow off the roof.
Look at the house with the red roof.

Movie subtitles

His heart rate's through the roof.
Plus, uh, we're gonna be growing our own herbs in the greenhouse we're gonna build up on the roof.
I am a drunk woman in lingerie climbing on top of a roof dressed as Santa.
We have to accept that someone else was on the roof.
And Katie's got no eyes, and no roof to her mouth, and when I go to see her in the home I stroke her hands in a special way and I think she knows me.
A workman informs the astronomers that if they would ascend to the roof, they will witness a splendid spectacle: the casting of the gun.
High above Paris on the roof of the Opera!
In a few weeks, she'll be under this very roof. in this very room, as my wife.
The house is jammed to the roof.
At least there's a roof and a fire here.
Next to the roof.
You fellas go on that roof across the street.
The shapes between the trees, resembling the shell of some mythical animal are just the roof tiles of the village.
Maybe we can escape to the roof.
We're at the roof.
I saw her during the play. I helped her open the door to the roof.
Opened the door to the roof for her, basically gave her an invitation.
That's no cellar, that's the roof.
So they came through the roof!
Fred! To talk about gas ovens when we've a roof over our heads.
That roof'll go in a minute!
He's not gonna stay under this roof, not another hour!
Fire department searchlights on the roof.
Let's get on the roof!
The family is a group of people living under the same roof who cannot stand each other.
Living under the same roof as Tore made Berit doubtful.
The roof for Miss Collins.
The roof.
A family. is a group of people forced to live together under one roof, and who can't stand each other.
We lived under the same roof for years.
Let's go up on the roof.
All right, you raise the kids, I'll raise the roof.
To think that I nursed and reared that Frankenstein under my own roof.

News and current affairs

Then, on the 22 December, as crowds stormed the Central Committee headquarters in Bucharest, Stanculescu arranged for a helicopter to rescue Nicolae and Elena Ceausescu from the building's roof terrace.
Why, then is the EU building the house from the roof down?
For starters, the roof is starting to collapse on the global housing bubble, as housing markets begin to freeze up not only in the United States, but also in many other countries, such as high-flying Spain.
I was sunbathing by the pool on the roof of the Caracas Hilton.
I have visited the huge slums of Iraq and found families living in homes with barely a roof to cover them, with infestations of insects everywhere, and with raw sewage seeping under their doors.
As a result, the moralizers risk bringing the common roof down on Europe's head, and confronting the nationalist dangers that the EU was created to prevent.
So once Arafat died, the roof caved in on Fatah.
To fix the roof, we may have to accept a less extravagant summer vacation.
On its descent from the roof of the world, the Jinsha River, tributary of the mighty Yangtze, cascades through this ten-mile gorge on its way to Shanghai and the East China Sea.
Dignity may not provide you with a roof or a job, but it helps in maintaining hope in hard times.
PowerToFly finds that remote workers are so happy for the flexibility that their efficiency goes through the roof.
Yes, Dubai, with its man-made islands, hotels simulating Venice, and roof-top tennis courts, is a real-world castle in the sand.