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parch up

Examples parch up examples

How do I use parch up in a sentence?

Simple sentences

You must have stayed up late.
You must make up for the loss.
You must get up a little earlier.
You should give up smoking.
You must give up smoking.
You don't get up as early as your sister.
What time do you usually get up?
He will be studying when you get up.
Hurry up, or you will be late for the last train.
I may give up soon and just nap instead.
Maybe I'll just give up soon and take a nap instead.
I might give up soon and have a kip instead.
Hurry up.
Hurry it up!
When I grow up, I want to be a king.
Back in high school, I got up at 6 a.m. every morning.
When I woke up, I was sad.
I was wondering if you were going to show up today.
What keeps you up so late?
It is up to you to decide whether we will go there or not.
You opened up my eyes to what it's like when everything is right.
We're meeting up tomorrow?
Mathematics is the part of science you could continue to do if you woke up tomorrow and discovered the universe was gone.

Movie subtitles

These girls need to be in jail and eat bean rice to wake them up.
The sun is up, you guys!
Sookchae wake up. Wake up!
I don't have make up on, they won't recognize me.
Won't you come and cheer me up?
For giving birth to me, and raising me up so well.
Didn't you break up with him?
Mister! Wake up!
Mark, wake up!
I thought that you might have been caught up in the chaos that person named Zero caused.
Nanali, I'll clean it up right away, so stay right there.
I'll put up with it here.
I was a student up until last week.
Hurry up and take the picture!
Sir Curel. we will leave the rest up to you.
Let's hurry up and get out of here.
What's up with that?!
And we'll get swallowed up in their regime and lose our independence.
Garbage like you should just die where no one can. let's break this up.
It can't be picked up on a detector.
And that's what made up my mind.
Lelouch? I'm not giving up anything that's truly important to me.
We sat there, I'd almost say, locked up in the Observatory's lecture room for a week.
The demand is so crazy, I can barely keep up.
So, anyway, my cousin's best friend's older brother's girlfriend's sister is gonna be bringing some by this afternoon, and I know it sounds a little stupid, but I'm kind of nervous to pick them up myself.
What makes you say that? Because I betrayed Nick, and he's the only guy who can stand up to freakin' Frankie.
That magic stuff you do really cracks me up.
Frankie set up a distraction so I could make the catch without Nick finding out.
Frankie was up to something- - I could feel it-- And I needed to find out what.
Just gonna go take a little dump. I gotta go to the bathroom and go catch up on some reading. I gotta take the Browns to the Superbowl.
When I found out about Johnny, my first plan was to walk up to him and punch him in the nose.
Keep 'em up!
We're all really busted up about how things went down with Johnny. I know he's a friend of yours, but he's a friend of ours too.
While he was gone, I kept hoping Nick would forgive him and think about what I'd said, but. it seemed like his mind was made up.
The only reason I did it is 'cause I was set up.
Keep up the good work, kid. Hey, man, yo, uh, right here.
Once I knew Johnny was lying to me, I had to come up with a plan. You knew Johnny was lying to you?

News and current affairs

The consequences of 1989 ended up being less enduring than many observers, including me, would have assumed.
Only when more parents, teachers, and community leaders behave likewise will recruitment of terrorists dry up and law-enforcement authorities receive full cooperation from the populations they police.
My hosts replied that they needed to keep up with China.
This political power, not the requirements of energy policy, is what makes giving up nuclear energy so difficult.
While this system does provide incentives for certain kinds of research by making innovation profitable, it allows drug companies to drive up prices, and the incentives do not necessarily correspond to social returns.
Cleaning up the Niger Delta would provide the strongest possible example of a new age of accountability.
But, without further profound political and economic integration - which may not end up including all current eurozone members - the euro may not make it even to the end of this decade.
Instead, I believe that the most important way to reawaken voters' interest in European elections will be to open up the election of the Commission's President to them, and create a genuinely Europe-wide political debate during the next election campaign.
In addition, the EU should create a small but effective military force (say, 5,000 troops) to back up the common body's decisions.
France signed up for membership but later refused to submit her armed forces to NATO's central command.
Indeed, when a president volunteers to reduce the powers of his own office, you can be certain that he is up to no good.
A targeted support program could increase substantially the efficiency of spending, freeing up resources for education, health, and poverty eradication.
To contain today's financial and economic crisis, Europe will also need to continue the cooperation that it has shown up to this point.
They found the arctic ice impenetrable, and soon gave up their quest.
Since their articles appeared, the price of gold has moved up still further.
As legions of new consumers gain purchasing power, demand inevitably rises, driving up the price of scarce commodities.
But, despite gold's heightened allure in the wake of an extraordinary run-up in its price, it remains a very risky bet for most of us.
Once it was dark, a screen was set up and Mark showed home videos from space.
To acknowledge the truth would have meant admitting that for years they had overlooked the build-up of an unsustainable construction boom that now threatens to bankrupt the entire country.
Given national supervisors' predictable tendency not to recognize problems at home, it seemed natural that the cost of cleaning up insolvent banks should also be borne at the national level.
Obama, Rudd, Zapatero, and other forward-thinking leaders can therefore make a huge difference by following up on their pledges at the G-8 and insisting that the aid really works.
By building up savings over a few years, the farmers eventually become creditworthy, or have enough cash to purchase vitally necessary inputs on their own.
Many Germans today rightly feel that any system of fiscal transfers will morph into a permanent feeding tube, much the way that northern Italy has been propping up southern Italy for the last century.
Europe's citizens understand that the relatively small nation-states that make up the EU are no longer able to face these enormous challenges on their own.
In the US, when oil prices go up, incomes in Texas and Montana rise, which means that these states then contribute more tax revenue to the federal budget, thereby helping out the rest of the country.