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palletized transport English

Synonyms palletized transport synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as palletized transport?

palletized transport English » English


Examples palletized transport examples

How do I use palletized transport in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Transport with horse-drawn carriages became obsolete.
He's specialized in the transport of cattle.
Our city's transport problems are minor when measured against capitals like London and New York.
It's very difficult to transport them overland, but simple to do so by sea.
Public transport is only quicker than private transport in urban areas.
They hired a moving company to transport their belongings to their new home.
By what means of transport did you get here?
What form of transport will we take?
His discovery gave rise to a revolution in transport.
Dear passengers! If you get on a means of transport and don't have a season ticket, punch a one-time ticket without waiting for the next station.
The snow brought public transport to a halt.
Water bears several vital functions in a man's organism. It serves as a transport means for nutrients, regulates body temperature, and plays an important part in metabolism.
Improper transport and handling may cause structural and functional damage of the device.
We use public transport.

Movie subtitles

As a new century dawned in 1 400, the emperor YongIe had another transport technology at his disposal, which had the potential to make him master, not just of the middle Kingdom, but of the entire global market.
It says you can transport the seeds of life, if not life itself, from one planet to another.
It's Giles again. Ramakrishna, stay where you are and I'll organise some transport for you.
One more transport to go, Alex, and you've pulled it off.
Ground transport's been arranged.
The state of South Milligan is studying the project.. to transport Niagara Falls into its own borders.
Be it hereby decreed that the municipal authorities forbid the citizenry to transport the suspected plague-stricken to the hospital, as this shall only spread the plague through the streets of our town.
It's hard to transport a corpse.
Mrs. Meade Has Been Missing Since Fleeing A Prison Transport Van Six Months Ago.
I want galleys tomorrow morning to transport 10 legions.
Well, Mr Christian. And when do you think they will be ready to transport in your opinion?
You can not lead films in public transport.
Should they transport their grain free of charge on the roads and over the bridges?
All right, get your old mouldies off, but not more than two at any transport.
Transport the bodies to the lab.
On paper, their mission was to transport supplies to a microgravity experiment station orbiting at an altitude of 400 kilometers.
We hand the herd over to the transport fleet there and then back to India.
Pack the sepoys in their own transport wagons. We'll bring them along.
These books want to be stored, and the cases made ready for transport.
To the Crimea. He was ordered back to his regiment. He sailed two days ago with Sir Benjamin on the first transport.
Two, we transport them over the roof to the adjacent box factory.
I'd transport all the riffraff in Bristol to Botany Bay to save one beautiful woman a single headache. Something you don't understand.
I think we can use that transport.
The technical leader of the expedition was Edmund Geer, he was responsible for the organisation of the grand caravans, for delivering food to man and animal, and for the storage and transport of extensive samples.
For that reason we did not wish to transport it to Washington in the usual way.
He shall transport it himself without knowing it, of course.
Transport, Medical Corps. Over Rome, heading north.
So, we got transport on standby to take your kidney to St. Donald's.
It's hard to transport a corpse. Most villages don't have a cemetery.
I'd transport all the riffraff in Bristol to Botany Bay to save one beautiful woman a single headache.
Two transport planes, carrying 44 transatlantic pilots to Canada have crashed.
Yes, sir. - After that, call Transport. Tell them the Doctor and I are leaving now for Sicily.
You'll be glad to know that the completion of this link in the railway will enable us to transport the sick and disabled to the new camp by train.
Keep away from the military transport.
The one in charge of the transport.
Got transport sorted?
There's transport leaving for Williamstown, if you care to take that.
It's a question of transport for most people.

News and current affairs

Giovanni Bisignani, the head of the International Air Transport Association, an industry group, criticized the shutdown, saying that no risk assessment had been undertaken.
Armed convoys transport raw opium around the country unhindered.
But first, all countries must integrate climate concerns into policy planning, and improve their governance in key sectors such as energy, infrastructure, and transport.
The reinvention of energy, food, transport, and other systems will take decades, not years.
Public transport was halted, trains to and from the city were stopped, shops and business closed, and citizens were told to stay home.
A high-level group on border and transport security is at work, and links between member states' police chiefs are strengthening.
Moreover, sectors such as agriculture, energy, transport, and trade also have catch-up-growth potential, through imports of technology, institutional know-how, and organizational models.
And it could enable real time, on-demand transport services for remote areas.
During World War II, Allied soldiers occupied Iran, using the country as a way station to transport supplies from the Persian Gulf to the Soviet Union.
Moreover, local and national governments should work with the automobile industry to integrate zero-emission vehicles into national transport infrastructure.
For example, Puerto Rico is subject to the Jones Act, which requires using very costly US-built ships and crews for all sea transport to and from the mainland.
But, as China grows increasingly dependent on imports of resource commodities to meet its basic needs, its coast will continue to enjoy a transport-cost advantage.
Without a road, you cannot transport resources and finished goods.
It will, one hopes, provide a detailed blueprint for the development of large-scale transactions-intensive industries such as wholesale and retail trade, domestic transport and supply-chain logistics, health care, and leisure and hospitality.
Flower growers in Kenya, who depend on air transport to take their short-lived product to Europe, suddenly had no income.
Should we ban private cars wherever public transport is available to move us from A to B with fewer CO2 emissions?
Superconductors are being used for levitated trains in high-speed rail transport, and as microwave filters for improved signal bandwidth in cellular base stations.
China can purchase more industrial machinery, transport equipment, and steelmaking material, which are among its leading imports from the US.
Both depend on imported oil for transport and on domestic coal for power generation.
Consider the transition from the traditional automobile to electric transport.
Corbyn is an old-fashioned socialist who would like to soak the rich and put transport and utilities back under state control.
Possible subjects for that commission's agenda include: financial, fiscal and customs harmonization; transport infrastructure; natural resources and regional development.
Is it supporting real development needs, such as growing more food, fighting disease, or building transport, energy, and communications infrastructure?
Better transport infrastructure, for example, would not only create jobs, but would also reduce the costs of commuting to work.

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