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oyster ball English

Meaning oyster ball meaning

What does oyster ball mean?

oyster ball

An ostreolith.

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News and current affairs

A team that is unable to keep going at full speed for the full 90 (or more) minutes, switch from defense to offense quickly with the whole team, and maintain control of the ball to restrict their opponents' movements won't stand much of a chance.
Germany urgently needs this kind of optimism, because, unfortunately, two universal principles will continue to apply in the future: first, the winter will return, and, second, the ball is round and the next game is always the most difficult.
To this day, it has dropped the ball on very straightforward operational issues in Iraq, such as funding democracy promotion efforts.
It is on this third challenge that both neo-Keynesians and supply-siders have dropped the ball.
At this point, the embryo is a hollow ball of about 100 cells, none of which can be identified as destined to become any particular part of any particular human being.
Granted, the future is unknown; we have no crystal ball to predict the Bovespa's likely path.
How can the trajectory of a ball cause so much pain or bliss?
In soccer, the basic rule is simple: the ball is to be moved, from the central point, into one of the goals.
If the ball would roll from the center point straight into one of the goals, its track would be, or would seem to be, strictly determined and the whole thing would be boring.
To generate freedom, rules put obstacles in the way of the ball and complicate its movement.
First, two teams of eleven players are put on the field with the task of getting the ball into the goal.
Second, they are told to get the ball into opposite goals.
After this only one additional factor is needed to create a real world of happy surprises, freedom and bliss: the ball.
A ball is freedom embodied.
As our team maneuvered the ball down the field, politics fell away.
And, given the effects of UK Euroskepticism so far, no crystal ball is needed to foresee the impact on Britain of withdrawal from the EU.
In the case of the western Atlantic blue-fin tuna, the ball is now firmly back in ICCAT's court.
By introducing the factor of chance and unpredictability into the game, the ball transforms a bitter and down-to-earth human fight into an epiphany of spirituality and freedom.
The ball flashes to and fro in happy irresponsibility - between human will and chance, freedom and limitation, success and failure, hope and the loss of hope - to bounce back into the world of hope in the next moment.
But, rather than keeping an eye on that ball, the United States wasted the first decade of this century mired in wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Pakistan's civilian government also seemed to be dropping the ball in the economic field, as poor management by the authorities was driving the country towards another crisis.

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