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oxychloride cement English

Synonyms oxychloride cement synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as oxychloride cement?

oxychloride cement English » English


Examples oxychloride cement examples

How do I use oxychloride cement in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Drink wet cement and get really stoned.
Tom and Mary made handprints in the wet cement.
Two bags of cement will be enough.
The cement was still wet.
The cement will set in a couple of hours.
I need to buy a bag of cement.

Movie subtitles

To play better, treat her better, cement the relationship.
I used to have a friend that was an opry singer. but he went into the cement business.
One day, he fell into the cement.
This will cement the friendship between our Phooey and the Dictator of Bacteria.
Nab Benny the Creep in cement killing!
Corpse's dogs dunked into cement.
They was in a cake of cement.
Not if you tie a ton of cement around my neck and throw me into the East River like you did to all the others.
My dear Joseph, to cement the bond that binds our happy family together what could be more fitting than.
What do we do if we can't get this cement mixer rolling?
Lay off that cement mixer stuff.
Or maybe some cement and ask for your footprint.
Did he mix cement? Oh, yes.
Then she went to Paris, attending many official functions to cement trade relations between her country and the Western European nations.
All right, boys, mix up the cement.
Put your feet in cement.
Those two big cement things are the zoo bunkers, enormous pillboxes.
It has to be diverted before Retch can pour cement.
And I asked Mr. Retch if he wouldn't put them on the flower room floor and poke a little cement between the cracks and make a stone floor where it might be wet with flowers and things.
I guess he got some iron straps and fastened them to a large pan to hold the cement.
Or maybe a hunk of cement, and ask for your footprint.
Say, if he could only get me a job with the cement company.
Why, you dumbbell, you couldn't lift a bag of cement.
Can I lift a bag of cement or not?
Tonight, I finished up at the cement company.
It's got trees and bushes here. Outside, just cement and asphalt.
What'll we do if we can't get this cement mixer rolling?
I hoped we'd cement relations between France and America.
Why are you going? To get cement.

News and current affairs

Commercial and high-end residential investment has been excessive, automobile capacity has outstripped even the recent surge in sales, and overcapacity in steel, cement, and other manufacturing sectors is increasing further.
In others, monopolies in trade deprive countries of the advantages of international competition, while monopolies in cement significantly raise the price of construction.
In this sense, as the historian Harold James has noted, mutualization turned out to be dynamite, not cement, for the new US federation.
They are particularly difficult if we see culture as the cement of Europe's future.
On each front separately, he might manage to muddle through; together, they look likely to cement France's loss of competitiveness.
We must also cement the fundamental reforms to the global financial system that the G-20 has delivered over the past seven years.
He linked the various strands of popular myth with historically frightful characters to cement the association of Eastern Europe with obscurantism and darkness in the popular imagination of the West.
But in the world's most advanced countries, the promise of material prosperity that freedom made possible has long since replaced attention to and defense of fundamental democratic values as the cement of society.
But Europe's economy will not grow, and a sufficient number of jobs will not be created, if such vital industries as aluminum, steel, fuels, plastics, and cement are not allowed to thrive.
In 1992, global combustion of coal, oil, and gas, plus cement production, released 22.6 billion tons of CO2 into the air.
The Twentieth Congress shattered the world Communist movement, and it turned out to be impossible to cement the cracks.
Many developing countries lack a corporate income tax: the huge profits of the telecom, cement, and other monopoly sectors escape taxation.
But what has really allowed Hezbollah (and Hamas, for that matter) to win elections and cement support is their ability to provide education, health, and other social services, particularly to the poor.
It is pivotal in both steel and cement production.
But catchy ideas die hard, and Russia has moved to cement the current concept of the BRICs into an irreversible reality.
Out of the welter of dust, noise, welders' sparks, flotillas of cement mixers and construction cranes, the setting for the 2008 Summer Olympic Games is taking shape.
China, as usual, is the most extreme example, now accounting for more than one-half of global cement consumption.
Politically, it embodies solidarity and thus helps cement the union.
The military owns airlines and freight companies, petrochemical factories, power generation plants, sugar mills, cement and fertilizer plants, construction firms, banks and insurance companies, advertising agencies, and more.
But that kind of bold institutional innovation could fill an important gap in the global financial architecture, and cement China's leadership in financing environmental remediation.
As it is, not only will an agreement add cement to the NPT; it could also open the way to the sort of understanding with Iran that is essential to any broad diplomatic moves to control and halt the violence sweeping across western Asia.
These steps barely veiled an agenda intended not only to guarantee electoral victory, but also to cement political dominance by the Kibaki's ethnic group.
So what is likely to be on Obama's mind when he meets his Indian counterpart again, and what does he think can be done to cement bilateral ties?

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