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overhand knot English

Meaning overhand knot meaning

What does overhand knot mean?

overhand knot

a simple small knot (often used as part of other knots)

Examples overhand knot examples

How do I use overhand knot in a sentence?

Simple sentences

I can't untie this knot.
He was eager to tie the knot.
Can you untie this knot?
You must tighten the knot.
A knot is one nautical mile per hour.
He made a knot in his handkerchief so he wouldn't forget what he had to do.
Tom loosened the knot on his tie.
Tom and Mary are going to tie the knot this spring.
Can you tie a cherry stem into a knot with your tongue?
That knot's loose.
Tom tightened the knot.
Tom taught me how to tie a square knot.
The famous Gordian Knot was cut with a sword blow.
The famous Gordian Knot was cut with a sword.
I tightened the knot.

Movie subtitles

For each knot a pregnancy is destroyed.
There's a five-knot current running between here and that island.
Make a hard knot. There, that will hold him.
So long, knot head.
I'm gonna tie a knot in that cat's neck and toss it overboard.
A little knot of people around one of the lifeboats.
Put a knot on his head bigger than a turkey's egg.
My stomach's in a knot.
I'll beat you as hard as I can, one knot at a time.
She was carried around the bridegroom to tie the knot for life.
This is a false square knot, Joey, it won't hold.
Catesby. commend me to Lord Hastings. Tell him his ancient knot of dangerous adversaries.
Now, for I know the Tudor Richmond. aims at young Elizabeth, my brother's daughter. and, by that knot, looks proudly on the crown. to her go I.
Even little Jimmy here is tying the knot when he gets back to California.
Sat on a knot.
There's a knot in these laces. Can you get it out?
I have no wish to hear it cracked by a hangman's knot.
I'll tie it. Make a hard knot.
One of the ladies from Paramatta wishes to tie the knot with a life companion.
We wanted to tie the knot before we were separated.
So long, knot-head.
I'll tie a knot in that cat's neck and toss it overboard.
Priceless! Oh, I caught some wonderful shots on deck. A little knot of people around one of the lifeboats.
It was probably a cord with a knot in it.
I was looking at this knot Lestrade it's a Bowline, much favored by sea faring men.
What do you know about this knot Captain?
This knot is evidence that will hang a murderer, and he might not be standing so far away from the arm of the law at this very moment.
Hold him tight. -I'll tie it. Make a hard knot.
A 12-knot drift.
For example, when I see a regiment, the colors unfurled, I feel a knot right here, and my eyes fill up with tears!
Tell him his ancient knot of dangerous adversaries. Lord Rivers and Lord Grey. tomorrow are let blood at Pomfret castle.
I got a family going in Deadwood. Even little Jimmy here's tying the knot when he gets back to California.
No knot.
This one has a knot. I'll get a smaller one.
Can't knot my tie.
Tie this in a knot.
We shouldn't have tied it in a knot, it should've been fastened with metal.
So you're tying the knot tonight?
The Gordian knot couldn't be untied either.

News and current affairs

This Gordian knot needs to be cut, not untied.
The tougher challenge is to solve the Gordian knot that binds Hezbollah (and the issue of its disarmament), Syria, and Israel together in a fateful triangle.
There is no quick fix in disentangling the Korean knot.
But untying the knot that an overweening financial sector has drawn around the economy will take time.
The Gordian knot paralyzing initiative and blocking employment consists in the maze of regulations that stifle the labor market.
Perhaps the president of the European Commission should try to cut this Gordian knot.
The impulse simply to cut the Gordian knot of debt by defaulting on it is much stronger when creditors are remote and unknown.
Breaking the Gordian knot of climate negotiations requires offering technology and financial transfers in exchange for the ability to overrun a national budget.
This Gordian knot cannot be untied; it needs to be cut by robust third-party mediation.
In this tangled knot of regional wars, crises, and conflicts, Iran's nuclear ambitions look like a ticking time bomb - and plenty of new dynamite is being accumulated throughout the region.

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