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oscillating fan English

Synonyms oscillating fan synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as oscillating fan?

oscillating fan English » English

pioting fan

Examples oscillating fan examples

How do I use oscillating fan in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Tom wasn't a hockey fan.
Tim is a huge fan of satirical comedy.
Such an old fan would be next to useless.
I'm a big fan of American cooking.
I'm a big fan of golf.
I'm a movie fan.
The office is flooded with fan letters for him.
I want the fan.
The fan asked for his autograph.
This is a Chinese fan.
I'm a fan of Tatoeba.
I'm not a fan of Kim Kardashian.
I'm a big fan of Getter Jaani.
There's a fan on the table.
It was hot, so I turned on the fan.
Mary is an obsessive fan of Tom.

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