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News and current affairs

And, perversely, American neo-conservatives have transformed the internationalism of the old left by seeking to impose a democratic world order by US military force.
European continental thinking, responding to urbanization and the need for social order, emphasized institutional analysis of political economy.
Adaptive systems struggle with order and creativity as they evolve.
Second, everyone must recognize their stake in restoring balanced advanced-country growth as much and as soon as possible in order to counter the ongoing shortfall in aggregate demand.
So, instead of retiring gracefully, as presidents from Bill Clinton to Boris Yeltsin routinely do, Kuchma wants to change the constitution in order to become an all-powerful prime minister who will never face a limit on the length of his term.
Obama clearly recognizes that the NPT needs to be strengthened in order to prevent countries from turning their civil nuclear-power capacity into weapons.
International economic policy coordination should be significantly strengthened in order to deal effectively with changes on such a scale.
It also requires a substantial reform of the monetary union's system of economic governance, aimed at restoring financial stability and lowering borrowing costs, together with a boost in external demand in order to compensate for the effects of austerity.
This is a tall order, in view of the reluctance of most EU member states to cede competences to European institutions.
Those crisis countries that do not want to take it upon themselves to lower their prices should be given the opportunity to leave the eurozone temporarily in order to devalue prices and debts.
So, in order to cut global carbon emissions in half by the middle of the century, we would obviously have to start getting a lot more of our energy from sources that don't emit carbon.
Instead, the French and German leaders are really responding to the growing unpredictability of today's emerging European order.
A decade ago, people spoke of the end of history, meaning the ultimate triumph of a liberal capitalist political order.
For the first time in history, a global techno-market order is transforming the world of finance, business, politics and, indeed, physiology, beyond recognition.
Europe is being cautious in the name of avoiding debt and defending the euro, whereas the US has moved on many fronts in order not to waste an ideal opportunity to implement badly needed structural reforms.
But before this new order appears, the world may be faced with spreading disorder, if not outright chaos.
Reducing deficits in order to raise the debt ceiling was the right thing to do, but the August 2 law does it in the wrong way.
The old Cold War world order was based on the nuclear arms race between the two superpowers, the United States and Soviet Union.
The second is a set of understandings and commitments among the major advanced and developing countries to rebalance the global economy in order to restore aggregate demand and growth.
Deep cuts in social expenditure are also unavoidable in order to achieve sustainable public finances.
In order to gain the breathing space necessary for the reform process to be effective, the Greek government could just announce a simple rescheduling: the due date of all existing public debt is extended by five years at an unchanged interest rate.
Nor would it be proper, where the gravity and scale of crimes materially differ, to charge all sides in a conflict in order to preserve a false sense of parity.
Once again, African readers are being shortchanged, remaining dependent on foreign reportage in order to grasp the enormity of what is transpiring.
Think of it as the order of the church choir, where individual members cooperate on the basis of a shared culture and values.
I say this as someone who created significant capital and, having done so, changed her occupation in order to cultivate morality in politics.
Empathy, not ethnocentrism, should be the order of the day now that the guns are falling silent and we have rediscovered the limits of military force.
To achieve this goal, the agricultural economy must be revived in order to revive this industry, providing jobs and food for people.

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