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But even small terrorist successes are costly in terms of lives, money, and making open societies less so.
His bill also contains an important provision aimed at encouraging open-source research, which would move the current research model away from secrecy toward sharing.
Instead, I believe that the most important way to reawaken voters' interest in European elections will be to open up the election of the Commission's President to them, and create a genuinely Europe-wide political debate during the next election campaign.
Conceivably, over the longer term, China's successful campaign could now open the door to lobbying by other governments to include their currencies as well.
The Internet's creators, part of a small, enclosed community, were very comfortable with an open system in which security was not a primary concern.
Finally, a reputation for offensive capability and a declared policy that keeps open the means of retaliation can help to reinforce deterrence.
America also promised--in the Doha Declaration in 2001--to open its markets to the world's poorest countries.
Yet at Cancun, Mexico earlier this summer, it refused to open its markets even to exports from struggling African economies.
Open-ended liquidity injections accomplish neither.
Turkey has been given what looks like an ultimatum from the EU Commission: open your ports for ships from Cyprus within a month, or you may risk a halt to the EU accession talks now underway.
Strategic hawks, however, are open to practical bargains and compromises - if the circumstances are right and if the security considerations justify it in their eyes.
Nevertheless, following a violently contested parliamentary election in 2005, in which more than 30 parties participated, Meles demonstrated open contempt for democratic pluralism and press freedom, jailing several journalists in recent years.
The new battle of lifestyles has given rise to new enemies of open societies, such as the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
It was during Yitzhak Rabin's government in the early 1990's that Israel and Iran entered into open conflict, owing to the changing strategic environment after America's victory in the first Gulf War and the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Many women, for example, are leaving low-paying jobs to acquire skills that will open doors to higher-paying positions.
But if that issue is settled (and it should be), there is an equally large and important question that remains wide open: what should we do about it?
If Latin America is to become a strategic partner for the EU and a more attractive market for European companies, European institutions must become more open to the region's needs.
Africa had to open its markets while producing raw materials and basic products to generate revenues for investment in industry, education, health, and food production.
Usually France likes to keep its options open.
In part, the UN team wanted to keep humanitarian assistance lines open.