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neutronic code English

Synonyms neutronic code synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as neutronic code?

neutronic code English » English

neutron transport code

Examples neutronic code examples

How do I use neutronic code in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Can you tell me what the zip code is for New York?
It is not acceptable to our moral code.
In this secret code, each number stands for a letter of the alphabet.
Do I have to dial the area code, too?
My home phone number is, area code two-oh-one, one-two-three, four-five-six-seven.
Is there a dress code?
The country code for calling Italy is 39.
But you know, it would be sad to collect all these sentences, and keep them for ourselves. Because there's so much you can do with them. Which is why Tatoeba is open. Our source code is open. Our data is open.
Section 214, in my opinion one of the stranger provisions of the Land of Schleswig-Holstein's General Administrative Code, seems to imply that somebody who kidnaps a person from another one, must deliver the latter a receipt, to that effect.
Section 214b, in my opinion one of the stranger provisions of the Land of Schleswig-Holstein's General Administrative Code, seems to imply that somebody who sees a pink elephant must give it a receipt.
All employees had to memorize the access code.
Do you know the dialling code?
His code's readability drowned in a riptide of nested parentheses.
Adding comments makes the code easier to read.
There is no dress code.
A bilingual person can change from one language to another in the middle of a sentence, and this code-switching is a topic of study for linguists.
I can't remember the secret code.
When we were in school, my best friend and I made our own secret code so we could write messages to each other without other people being able to read them.
I cracked the code.

Movie subtitles

Call the code.
Code blue, E.T. wing 203.
Nurse Dyer, would you test me on my Highway Code?
Some kind of code?
Maybe it's some kind of a code or a language they don't understand.
Their code is a law unto themselves.
Others. that it was the code of the freaks.
As the Leader of the German legal service. I can say that, clearly, the basis of the National Socialist State. is the Nationalist Socialist Law Code.
As a matter of fact, I've been analyzing this code of ours and it doesn't stand up.
I had to work it out, it in code. - I know.
That's the name in code.
Master code?
The Koran is our civil code, our book of science and medicine, the Word of God.
This is either a code, or is written in an ancient language that I can't understand.
I don't know what this code means.
Therefore, this said court, by virtue of articles 2o5, 6 and 7 of the military code condemns this woman to be shot to death by rifle fire.
I live by my own code.
Did you try to sell Freedonia's secret war code and plans?
I sold the code and 2 pairs of plans.
He gave me a code message to insert in the Times. in case I wanted to get in touch with him.
That's not the real name of the horse. That's the name in code.
Master code, master code, plain code.
He's just. he's a very dangerous man because he doesn't really have a code that he abides by.
We have a code. No code.
We got them to tell us the code.
What is it? Some kind of code?
Maybe it's some kind of code.
Not under section 346 of our Code.
Here it is in the penal code.
I can say that, clearly, the basis of the National Socialist State. is the Nationalist Socialist Law Code.

News and current affairs

Governments must not be given the power to control its citizens' moral code - we know that if they had such power, they would misuse it.
The US subsidizes corn-based ethanol, and imposes tariffs on sugar-based ethanol; hidden in the tax code are billions of dollars of subsidies to the oil and gas industries.
Abdullah, perhaps earlier than most others, understood that some code of restraint was needed if the entire region was not to descend into a war of all against all.
In 2002, China and ASEAN agreed on a legally non-binding code of conduct for managing such disputes, but, as a large power, China believes that it will gain more in bilateral rather than multilateral negotiations with small countries.
As a large power, China will have great weight in any circumstance, and it can reduce its self-inflicted damage by agreeing to a code of conduct.
This institution should be an international version of the US Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Code.
And municipalities cannot benefit from Chapter 9 of the US bankruptcy code.
Chinese officials have also become more willing to discuss the creation of a code of conduct for the South China Sea.
With rare candor, China's government recently released statistics on people arrested and prosecuted for endangering state security, the most serious political offence in the criminal code.
Petraeus violated his own personal code of honor and duty toward his wife and family - and thus, in his eyes, toward his country, particularly to the men and women whom he was entrusted to lead at the CIA.
There are about three billion bases, and the sequences in which they occur is our genetic code, or human genome.
Within the genetic code, there are 30,000-40,000 highly organized regions called genes.
Genes code for proteins, the body's workers, which are not made directly from DNA, because they do not speak the same language.
The ICD code also frames eligibility for related social goods like hospital care, medical retirement, claims for disability compensation, hospice care, and home health care, to name a few.
Yes, the IMF ought to develop a voluntary code of conduct for SWF's, but it should not be used as a weapon to enforce financial protectionism.
Tax revenue can be raised without increasing marginal tax rates by limiting the tax subsidies that are built into the current tax code.
In 2005, Yahoo gave the Chinese police the computer identification code for a dissident journalist, Shi Tao.
In Hungary, for example, the penal code calls for two years imprisonment for personal possession by a drug-dependent person.
Anti-blasphemy laws not only violate that principle; they can easily be abused as a tool of political power and impoverish their societies by imposing a code of rigid conformity.
But fear of provoking China should not stop Asia's leaders from seeking a regional security consensus, such as the proposed code of conduct for disputes in the South China Sea.
On Chechnya, they regularly reported either that they had received no complaints from the EU about humanitarian relief, or that they were complying with the United Nations code on relief efforts; they were duplicitous on both counts.
This plurality of cultures usually does not present any problems for us, because shifting from one cultural code to another is a universal human faculty.
While an international legal code that defines cyber attacks more clearly, together with cooperation on preventive measures, can help, such arms-control solutions are not likely to be sufficient.
CAMBRIDGE - Two years ago, a piece of faulty computer code infected Iran's nuclear program and destroyed many of the centrifuges used to enrich uranium.
None of this is true in cyberspace where a weapon can consist of a few lines of code that can be invented (or purchased on the so-called dark web) by any number of state or non-state actors.

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