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muscular English

Meaning muscular meaning

What does muscular mean?
Definitions in simple English


If a person is muscular, they having well-developed muscles. If a person is muscular, he or she is strong.


of or relating to or consisting of muscle muscular contraction having a robust muscular body-build characterized by predominance of structures (bone and muscle and connective tissue) developed from the embryonic mesodermal layer having or suggesting great physical power or force the muscular and passionate Fifth Symphony (= hefty, powerful) (of a person) possessing physical strength and weight; rugged and powerful a hefty athlete a muscular boxer powerful arms

Synonyms muscular synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as muscular?

Topics muscular topics

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Examples muscular examples

How do I use muscular in a sentence?

Simple sentences

My muscular strength has weakened from lack of exercise.
He's fit and muscular.
The vagina is a muscular tube.
Tom is tall and muscular.
His body is very muscular.
He would be as muscular as his brother if he had worked out like him.
He's tall and muscular.
Tom is muscular and athletic.
He's very muscular.
Tom has a muscular body.

Movie subtitles

Kelly, muscular.
Oh, sweet muscular Mary!
If McPherson weren't muscular and handsome in a cheap sort of way. you'd see through him in a second.
Muscular-coordination test?
The thing is muscular.
My, but you're a muscular little thing, aren't you?
A woman's bones, on the other hand, are lighter, smaller and with less pronounced muscular attachments.
But it was only four days ago that he began to complain of muscular pains.
It's called an epilepse because of the arching caused by muscular spasms.. the contortions.
He's a strong, muscular man, but not very obedient.
When you used to water-ski, you were good-Iooking, tanned, muscular.
Muscular masses, figures standing out from the folios. with all the substance of statues.
With men it makes them more muscular.
They showed a naked lady, fragile and lovely, his wife, as he solemnly told me, taken by him of course, practicing illicit relations with a muscular torero, obviously a scoundrel!
If McPherson weren't muscular and handsome in a cheap sort of way, you'd see through him in a second.
It's probably just a small internal muscular hemorrhage, sir. It'll be all right.
It's called an epilepse because of the arching caused by muscular spasms the contortions.
When you used to water-ski, you were good-Iooking, tanned, muscular. You were successful.
Second, poor muscular coordination and vision.
And our studies in muscular strength.
Well, with men, it makes them more muscular.
It is carried strapped to the forearm so-- under the tunic, of course-- and fired by muscular action.
There's a loss of muscular control.
Probably muscular strain.
Just muscular strain, isn't it?
The belief of the muscular in their own strength is always pathetic, don't you think?
He doesn't look like much of a talker, he's a muscular.
And a cerebral is never afraid of a muscular.
Only a muscular would be stupid enough to walk into such a trap.
My, you are so much more muscular than our men.
You're muscular, athlete.
Relaxant to preclude muscular reaction.
A few muscular aches doesn't make a man old.

News and current affairs

The United States, quick to capitalize on regional concerns triggered by China's increasingly muscular self-assertion, has strengthened its military ties with its existing Asian allies and forged security relationships with new friends.
A nominee for the National Institutes of Health's Muscular Dystrophy Research Coordinating Committee told of being vetted by a White House staff member.
In a historical reversal, Japan has found itself on the defensive against the increasingly muscular foreign policy of its former colony and old rival.
When he resumed serious training, he was leaner and more muscular.
Easing tensions will not win Bush points with those who prefer a muscular strategy.
Finally, while one can understand a former superpower's temptation to seize its opportunity to return to a muscular foreign policy, Russia's bullying in the energy area is destroying trust and undercutting Russia's soft power in other countries.
It might have convinced Assad to give up his chemical weapons, but Russia's threat to veto any muscular Security Council resolution against Syria guaranteed that his murderous regime would retain control.
More recently, leading American congressmen have been impressing on President Barack Obama the need for a muscular effort to implement the CPA.
Welby, who suffered from muscular dystrophy and was paralyzed, had battled unsuccessfully in the Italian courts for the right to die.
Most attention is focused on genetic diseases, such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, and to muscular dystrophy.
The rhetoric, especially on the Republican side, will be muscular.
Even as Vietnam moves closer to the US as a hedge against China's muscular strategy, some Vietnamese leaders fear that the Americans remain committed to regime change.
This time, the impetus has been provided by China's increasingly muscular foreign policy.
Carter had difficulty choosing between the muscular line of his national security adviser, Zbigniew Brzezinski, and the more moderate approach of his secretary of state, Cyrus Vance.
On a host of issues, including its territorial claims in the South China Sea and against Japan and India, China spent 2010 staking out a more muscular position.
A more muscular response will require an awareness of the nature of the challenge and a willingness to meet it by investing heavily in key areas - particularly education, health care, and infrastructure.
Rising economic and military power is emboldening China's government to pursue a more muscular foreign policy.
Nothing provoked a more muscular reaction after Mao came to power than the humiliating prospect of feeling unable to resist foreign predation.
This is what advocates of a more muscular approach to today's revolutions in the Middle East often forget.
He deliberately projects an image of himself as a leader who speaks truthfully, conveying a muscular ideology that articulates the sense of humiliation that Muslims feel today and offers a plan of action to remedy the situation.
And, by picking territorial fights with its neighbors and pursuing a muscular foreign policy, China's leaders are compelling other Asian states to work more closely with the US and each other.

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