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Examples monitorový program examples

How do I use monitorový program in a sentence?

Simple sentences

It would be something I'd have to program.
If you do not have this program, you can download it now.
Improved medical technology has been one of the spin-offs of the space program.
Because of some technical problem, a movie was shown in place of the announced program.
There is a short program of local news on the radio.
I've had enough of this program.
Michael is to be on a TV program tonight.
Bob hurried home in order to watch the TV program.
At any rate, the program was a success.
Maybe it's about time I started learning to program.
The outlook for the defense program is dismal.
The TV program seemed very interesting.
The program is on the air.
Tell me about your program for the future.
President Reagan's tax program has not worked.
That program is broadcast every other week.
The musical program has gone off very well.
This is an entertaining program for children.
Do you want to watch this program?
I wonder when this program will continue till.

Movie subtitles

With that brings the end of program.
Four months ago, she signaled to one of our assets that she had a willingness to talk about a secret weapons program.
The program li was working on. It's germ weaponry.
A germ-warfare program?
Now, the first musical number on the program. will be a piccolo solo which we will skip.
Ladies and gentlemen, this program comes to you. through the courtesy of Colet and Company, manufacturers of the most famous perfumes in the world.
Name all over the program, gets all the credit.
You better get your nose out of that program, Blackie.
I had planned a very different program for myself. A very different program.
What's the next item on the program?
It takes two to make a radio program.
Have you a radio program coming in right now?
Jack Benny Program.
Is that the program for the play?
When a program suffers a glitch, it cannot be fundamentally resolved through makeshift adjustments.
The program li was working on. It's germ weaponry. Banned by nearly every nation on Earth.
Show me the program.
Before we start the musical program, Captain Spaulding will tell us about his trip to Africa.
This program is coming to you from the House of David.
This program comes to you courtesy of the Golden Goose Furniture Company. 125th Street, 125th Street and 125th Street.
I had planned a very different program for myself.
A very different program.
Here's the program.
Four months ago, she signaled to one of our assets to talk about a secret weapons program.
The program Li was working on, it's germ weaponry, banned by nearly every nation on earth.
A germ warfare program?
How'd you like the program?
And now, Miss Lester, I have a program. I'm a man with a program, a man of action.
We are interrupting this dance program to bring you a special news bulletin.
What's on the program?
Did you hear the radio program about bus guides?
I'll miss my Barrel of Blood program.

News and current affairs

In addition, after visits by the French, British, and German foreign ministers, Iran announced a temporary suspension of its enrichment program.
European foreign ministers have already expressed their concerns about Iran's nuclear program.
Afterward, each national program would be monitored, audited, and evaluated.
Last year, the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) issued a remarkable report on Ogoniland, a major ethnic homeland in the Niger Delta that has been at the epicenter of conflict between local communities and international oil.
A targeted support program could increase substantially the efficiency of spending, freeing up resources for education, health, and poverty eradication.
This three-point program would lay the ground for economic resurgence.
Hiding behind the originality (in French presidential politics) of her gender, Royal has avoided specifying a detailed program.
Thus, Royal's program is her popularity.
A long-recognized principle is that balanced expansion of taxes and spending stimulates the economy; if the program is well designed (taxes at the top, combined with spending on education), the increase in GDP and employment can be significant.
In return, Ukraine will uphold its end of the deal: in addition to closing Chernobyl, we will introduce Western nuclear safety standards and renew cooperation with the IMF via the Extended Fund Facility program.
Therefore they signaled the start of a new program, immediately dubbed the Cologne Initiative, to reduce further the debt burden of the so-called Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs).
Second, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the World Bank, rather than the International Monetary Fund, should take the lead in helping these countries.
With a continued worldwide movement on behalf of global justice and economic development, a much more ambitious program for the world's poorest can still be reached.
It therefore wants to see a credible program for balancing the US budget once the recession ends.
My father was involved with the United States space program, and we had some moon rocks at home, so I thought it was no big deal.
These countries have appealed to the World Bank for financing, and the Bank made a valiant effort in 2008 to help through its new Global Food Crisis Response Program (GFCRP).
Two problems need to be addressed: the credibility of Greece's fiscal stabilization program, and how to cover the country's medium-term financing gap.
Of course, markets would view any rescheduling without a credible adjustment program merely as a prelude to a real default later on, thus leading to an even higher risk premium.
But even the best adjustment program cannot be financed without some contribution by private creditors, i.e., some form of rescheduling.
The program's mission - to help guide the political, social, and economic transitions of neighboring states - is not inherently problematic; the problem lies in the way that the mission has been interpreted and pursued.
It is telling that Ashton has made progress exclusively in areas defined by ample consensus, such as the negotiations on Iran's nuclear program and the pact between Kosovo and Serbia.
In fact, Juncker has already expressed a desire to integrate incoming High Representative Federica Mogherini into the Commission's policy program.
But she must convincingly outline practical strategies to resolve South Korea's most serious problems, including high unemployment, worsening educational performance, and North Korea's nuclear weapons program.
The saddest part of the story is Israel's utter indifference to the need to build international legitimacy for its drive to stop Iran's nuclear program.

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