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model photosphere English

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model photosphere English » English

photospheric model

Examples model photosphere examples

How do I use model photosphere in a sentence?

Simple sentences

A model must have an attractive body.
My hobby is making model planes.
The new model will be on the market in November.
That's an obsolete model.
Mary used to be a model.
Tom was a model patient.
The new model clicked with the public.
The new model car will be brought to market in May.
The new model car was put through several tests.
Those new model cars are on the market.
He's the very model of an aggressive salesman.
This new model of car is so popular that they have had to open a new factory to meet the demand.
Is this new model available on the market?
I'd like to try out this new model before I buy it.
This car is the latest model.
Compared with the old model, this is far easier to handle.
His car is a new model.
I'll make you a model plane.
I have a bicycle of the latest model.
The new model is featured by higher power and speed.
The new model will retail for 30,000 yen.
Sooner or later, we'll have to buy a new TV as ours is a very old model.
The model plane they built was fragile.
He described the man as a model gentleman.
He compared his car to the new model.

Movie subtitles

Yeah, faulty business model.
I'm glad to see you. Yeah, model patients.
It looked like a tactical unmanned model.
Ramphis, in raft filled with boxes and baskets, returns. His father is working on ia model of the treasure house.
A model of the apparatus built by Gol for observing life on other planets.
You just need license plates to look like a Model T Ford.
Good model.
She doesn't like the model, she doesn't like the fit, and she doesn't like the price.
You shall have a new model, at a new price.
Anna, have Liane model la sirene noire at once, please.
Tonight I paint, and I will need a model.
Lord George, the model please.
Radio's a little box that you buy on the installment plan. and before you tune it in, they tell you there's a new model out.
This is the 1870 model.
We now call this the Kapteyn model.
The Kapteyn model was much like a thick disc.
So, it's a model that is quite easy to understand.
But there were other scientists who disagreed with this model.
I think they'll agree with the Arab Kingdom model, except for Si Kadour, my father-in-law.
Do you think I model people with their clothes on?
Why, a-a model means no more to me than a tree.
She's not a professional model?
And the model?
He's the handsomest man in the Russian court, tall and formed like a Greek god. a model in fashion and deportment which all of us strive to follow.
Our new Streamline Model Number 1.
In three years I will have a model herd of 1000.
I will use him as a role model and lead my homeland, the Korean Peninsula.
Talking about representative model.
Yeah, model patients.
I am Model 803-D, RP, DM, 497-3C.
Billy, have you seen Jerry's new model?
No, and I'm only calling on him for engaging a model without my approval.
What's the idea of engaging a model without my. okay?
Is it customary for an artist to purchase the wardrobe of his model?
That depends on the model.
I guess I got the wrong model.
I've just been trying to date up your model.
Meet Miss Arnold, my model.
Or the model?
You're not a model at all.

News and current affairs

But much else collapsed with the Soviet model.
A solution to both high prices and misdirected research is to replace the current model with a government-supported prize fund.
His bill also contains an important provision aimed at encouraging open-source research, which would move the current research model away from secrecy toward sharing.
To enhance credibility, a number of governments are gingerly moving towards creating fiscal councils with greater independence, often with central banks as a role model.
The existing EU-Turkey customs union should be used as a model.
Yet the declared American aim of building a Muslim democracy in Iraq will only enhance Turkey's symbolic importance as a role model.
In the east, China, its growth model unsustainable, could be underwater by 2013, as its investment bust continues and reforms intended to boost consumption are too little too late.
They sought help from Yale University psychologist Carl Hovland and his associates, who produced what has become a well-known model of persuasion, comprising three groups of variables related to the communicator, the audience, and the message.
MUNICH - The American business model has collapsed.
Is it any wonder that China is perceived as an increasingly credible model for much of the developing world, while the US is now viewed as a symbol of hypocrisy and double standards?
Romney supports gradually increasing retirement ages, a premium-support model for Medicare, and shifting Medicaid (health insurance for the poor) to the states via block grants.
The Bush administration proclaimed a national security policy that insists that America provides the only sustainable model for national success, and asserted its right to engage in unilateral, preemptive military strikes.
Instead of looking at the wrong model - that of a single state - the EU and its member states should focus on the conditions required for the proper functioning of a currency union that has no common budget to compensate for asymmetric shocks.
Indeed, even beyond the political left, the Anglo-American model of capitalism is deemed to have failed.
Bruni's own life path closely resembles any number of Bollywood stars who have made the transition from model to actress.
Here, the model to follow is not the euro, but Latin America's Southern Common Market (Mercosur) and the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
America not only took the lead role in building the institutions of a globalizing world - the United Nations, World Bank, IMF, NATO- it also became the model that many other countries looked to for inspiration.
It is impossible to overestimate how significant a step Barack Obama's election is in this direction, but America's actions over the coming years will be the ultimate determinant of whether the power of America's model can be restored.
A long, painful period of high unemployment runs counter to what most experts believed the flexible US economic model would ever produce.
He proposed a model of joint-stock banking on a national scale, which ran into immediate opposition (curiously, his proposal was much more influential in Canada).
Rupert Murdoch's media empire is a model of the modern global enterprise.
A particularly dynamic and innovative business model came from outside and took over central aspects of British and then American public life.
That model is now threatened by the fallout from the scandal that started with phone hacking in Murdoch's British press operations.
Family capitalism in the continental European model uses relatively little capital to achieve maximum control.
There is a real possibility to steer countries toward a new development model that will benefit not only Africa, but also the world.
This modern, progressive, and peaceful model is unique and superior to all other currently available approaches to the fundamental questions of political order.
While American economists, politicians, and business leaders have for years sought to sell their model of management abroad, many companies elsewhere have not been buying it.
First and most importantly, these equilibrium rates are based on a theoretical model where long run current account balances tend toward zero.

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