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microwave geodimeter English

Synonyms microwave geodimeter synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as microwave geodimeter?

microwave geodimeter English » English


Examples microwave geodimeter examples

How do I use microwave geodimeter in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Mary put her doll in the microwave.
It is about time we bought a new microwave oven.
Please put this in the microwave oven.
My boyfriend refuses to use the microwave.
I never learned how to use a microwave oven.
If the food's cold, put it in the microwave.
Tom put the bowl into the microwave.
It's gone cold. Can you warm it up a bit in the microwave?
The Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE)'s mission was to study the microwave sky in order to detect radiation emitted by the Big Bang.
Tom, put the bowl into the microwave.
How long should I microwave this?
My microwave is acting up. I think I'd rather get a new one than repair this one.
Tom doesn't have a microwave oven.
I want to microwave a frozen food.
Tom is heating up a burrito in the microwave.
Tom put the bowl into the microwave and pushed the button to start it cooking.

Movie subtitles

Our ultra-high frequency and microwave radio signals have been expanding into space at the speed of light.
It's relayed by microwave. but with a long delay.
A beautiful house, complete with microwave oven. intercom, station wagon, et cetera.
I'm savin' for one of those new microwave ovens I've been readin' about.
And in microwave light, we can see all the way back to the birth of the universe.
We bounce the microwave off the comsat to eddie on the roof of the phone company in washington dc.
If i can build and install a pacemaker in this man's chest, i can damn well bounce a microwave off a satellite!
You could reach him on the microwave mobile line.
We can put a fridge and a microwave right there.
This microwave never melts the marshmallows right.
The laboratory is ionized so that it's like working in a microwave.
A giant microwave oven.
Although microwave relays. was knocked out since nine o'clock this morning. this frightening mechanical revolt appears to be occurring everywhere.
Microwave ovens, pocket calculators Walkmans, digital watches and miniature television sets.
No surprise, because the Americans had a huge advance because they had a lot of experience with microwave techniques, which they had developed during the war.
The microwave transmitter operates off the apartment house current.
We might be able to rig a microwave relay to one of them.
And then the microwave dishes revolve and revolve and they seek me out and turn and find me and then they zap me until my head is going to explode and they still squeeze.
Microwave oven to brown your bird.
A microwave oven.
Maybe he's got a pacemaker. Think it could have been the microwave?
Give her the microwave, it's a built-in!
In that case, my microwave jammers are ready.
With my microwave jammers and surveillance capabilities, phase two with the County Museum should take no more than one minute and 10 seconds.
Now I'm increasing the microwave jammer three times its normal strength.
The microwave and the sunlamp.
There, it's transmitted by a set of microwave relay towers to a computer at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and there it is processed.
Stu, let's send a microwave oven out to Chet.
Dear Lord, thank you for this microwave bounty, even though we don't deserve it.
Like a giant microwave oven!
Gotta get a microwave in here.
My microwave, my automatic steamer, my grill.
Bart, look, over here on the microwave.
Well, the videotape showed. that the thief used the microwave oven at the Kwik-E-Mart.
Oh, it's got everything-- microwave, dish washer, big screen TV, deep fryer and, oh, see up there on the roof?
Dear Lord, Thank you for this microwave bounty, even though we don't deserve it.
New microwave.
They're throwing metal utensils into the microwave! You can't do that!
I put them in the microwave to dry.

News and current affairs

Superconductors are being used for levitated trains in high-speed rail transport, and as microwave filters for improved signal bandwidth in cellular base stations.
Also troubling is the fact that the limit for microwave emission from mobile phones is 500 times lower in Switzerland and China than in the US.
In another measure intended to improve the lives of ordinary Cubans, he has removed restrictions on acquiring computers, microwave ovens, and other appliances.
For years, as optimists see it, China has been the world's cheap assembly shop for shoes, clothing, and microwave ovens.
Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson made such an unexpected discovery in 1965, when their attempts to reduce the noise in their state-of-the-art radio antenna led them to discern the cosmic microwave background.

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