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meteoric shower English

Synonyms meteoric shower synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as meteoric shower?

meteoric shower English » English

meteorite shower meteor shower

Examples meteoric shower examples

How do I use meteoric shower in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Tom takes a shower every morning before breakfast.
He always sings in the shower.
You have to take a shower.
They were in the shower.
I really need to take a shower.
Take a shower, now!
I've just finished in the shower.
He takes a shower even ten times a day.
I usually take a shower in the evening.
I usually shower at night.
I was caught in a shower on my way home.
I was caught in a shower on my way home from school.
I was caught in a shower on my way home from school, got soaking wet and caught a cold.
I was caught in a shower on my way to the station.
Would you like a room with a bath or a shower?
I was caught in a shower.
I was caught in a shower and was drenched to the skin.
I was taking a shower then.
On my way home from school, I was caught in a shower and got wet to the skin.
We were caught in a shower and got wet to the skin.
Down came a shower of rain.
May I take a shower?

Movie subtitles

What's with the sudden shower of rain?
As predicted, the refrigerator guy came as soon as I got in the shower.
And then we will console ourselves with the notion that the mildly temperate shower of the clinic has replaced the barbaric methods of medieval times.
Come on, shower down.
I thought I was in the shower.
That comes from a pipe just like a shower.
Where's the shower?
You want a shower around here, you'll stand in line.
She cries a little. and there you have your shower.
I get you the first shower you had in years you turn on me like a snake in the grass.
All you guys, shower down.
Where is there a shower?
That's what I was going to suggest, a shower.
With a shower, of course.
If you cure her, he'll shower you with gifts.
Take that off and tak a shower.
We can grab one in the shower room.
I said come out from under my shower!
And you'd better jump in the shower and get yourself pretty. I wouldn't change my tie with you in the room.
How's this? You didn't have this on under the shower, did you? No.
Sorry, I use a shower.
The shower doesn't work, the bathtub's out of kilter and.
For the wedding shower, or we'll be late for the bachelorette tonight.
Well, I did everything possible, gave him a shower and walked him all over the lakefront, but he passed out on me in the cab.
If you want a shower around here, you'll stand in line.
If you say it out loud, it'll come to pass, so they say, a cold shower comes.
All you guys, shower down. Right there. All those nickels.
I'm going to take a shower.
Looks as though we might have a shower. But you won't mind that, will you? No, but wait a minute.
Let's shower her with orchids!

News and current affairs

But, like the Republicans, the Democrats, too, are keen to shower tax cuts on their major campaign contributors, predominantly rich Americans.
But for those coming from euro candidate countries, the event was a cold shower.
He used some of his vast wealth to shower money on rural areas.
Indeed, the media shower lavish attention on over-claimers while neglecting their humbler colleagues.
Social mobility is further impeded as the rich shower their children with private education and after-school help, while the poorest in many countries cannot afford even to let their children stay in school.
Zuma's turbulent personal life - many wives and his embarrassing contention during a rape trial that he avoided HIV infection by taking a shower - has invited ridicule.
NEW YORK - Imagine that you get in the shower, turn on the water, and nothing comes out.
You wouldn't expect this to work in your shower, and there is little reason to expect it to work in the commercial lending market.

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