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match admittance

Examples match admittance examples

How do I use match admittance in a sentence?

Simple sentences

The match was cancelled due to the heavy rain.
I've grown tired of watching this uninteresting match.
I think I've met my match.
No one can match him in English.
Do you have a match?
Bob is a good match for you in skating.
The boxer had to lose weight for the title match.
No one can match her in speaking French.
He is no match for me in tennis.
The cushions on the sofa don't match those on the armchairs.
The baseball match will come off next week.
The spectators at the baseball match cheered their team on.
That dark coat does not match her dark skin.
The rugs are a good match for the curtains.
This hat does match the brown dress.
This carpet does not match the curtain.
To our surprise, he was defeated in the match.
As I entered a tearoom, I found two young men watching a wrestling match on television.
If it rains, we will put off our practice match.
A man came up to me and asked for a match.
Have you got a match?

Movie subtitles

Well, we have to go there and see? but I'll be a good match for a husband.
Their bulky Knightmares are no match!
No-one else in the world could match the skills or abilities of the english cIockmaker.
Not even the most pretentious European court could match the Ming dynasty's authority.
Have you come to get revenge for the match I had?
Musashi-dono..will you have a match with me?
Um. Illyana is a match for a patient waiting for a kidney transplant.
That patient's fiance wanted to donate his, but they weren't a match.
Well. it doesn't match our other things.
The deceased's name is Charles Michael Bucket, and his fingerprints match exactly those of a sailor who's been missing for three days.
A photo match of Jane Doe coming through international arrivals.
This is where the team photo is taken before every match?
I could give you a look to match that classic car of yours. Maybe.
Or like you're trying to match his sports car.
He's not even a match for an overclocked human.
You can accelerate all you want, but you're not able to match the speed of lightning.
Fools - do they think they can match their wits against Erik?
Anyone have a match?
You were no match for this man, who is far too clever to be trapped by a woman.
You can say it was a real love match.
Do you want a match?
I'm gonna get some ties to match.
Hey! - You've got a match?
You know your child's going to cost me the match, don't you?
You'll be a lubber crew, but I'll match your hearts against any other.
Here's another.38 for your experts to match up.
Have you got a match?
So you were looking for a match, huh?
The match went on for three whole days.
That's why you, who're so talented at protecting someone, is the perfect match.
Matsuda Shota to a match.
Sounds interesting. Musashi-dono..will you have a match with me?
Who's O-neg with a 6 antigen match.
Alright then. we'll settle the matter with a boxing match.
I'm no match for Duke Red in popularity.
Wouldn't it be nice to warm up by the flame of a match?
If you will agree to give my client a match my client will agree to withdraw the suit.

News and current affairs

Second, well-functioning financial systems match large, illiquid investment projects with the relatively small pools of money contributed by individual savers who value liquidity highly.
The danger in Saudi Arabia is that the IRA are no match for Muslim fundamentalists in their fanaticism.
As I watched the Croatia-Australia match early in the tournament, I surprised myself, too, as I realized that my emotions were with the Australian team, whatever that could mean, given that there were so many Croatians playing for Australia.
If employers tell their new employees that a pension saving plan is available, and even promise to match employees' contributions, a significant fraction of employees still will not participate.
First, he thinks of politics as a soccer match.
And that can be a very valuable asset for an incumbent Fed chair - one that no other candidate could match.
The film depicts a match that became a signature event in the Cold War between Russia and the United States.
The match garnered front-page headlines in major newspapers around the world on a daily basis for two months, with commentators providing live move-by-move analysis for up to five hours each day.
Still, that was not the only reason people remained glued to their TV sets to watch the match.
For the American champion, the match was the consummation of two decades of chasing the title, starting from his days as a child prodigy.
For Russia, the match was not about money; it was about hearts and minds.
This has created a degree of dependency that should be redressed, if only to relieve the Americans of their burden and give Europe the political influence to match its economic clout.
But it currently lacks the resources to match the WHO's will-power, the urgency of the problems, and the operational capabilities of the organization.
For a long time, rich countries have promised to reduce poverty, but have failed to match their words with adequate action.
Its virtue is that it gives policymakers something clear to do, with promised returns that match the political cycle.
In the US, the imperative is to improve the match between potential jobs and worker skills.
Of course, it can be argued that China's recent economic trajectory means that it is only a matter of time before the renminbi does become a match for the SDR's incumbents.
Some central banks may decide to follow suit, adding renminbi-denominated assets to their reserves to match the composition of the basket.
Yerevan - Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan's recent invitation to Turkish President Abdullah Gul to visit Yerevan to watch a football match together was historic.
The United Kingdom can't match the US in cronyism, but Britain's support for America in the war also has a commercial logic.
Ashcroft is much less known internationally than Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, but he is an even match in arousing dislike for the US among those who do know him.
Indeed, on a weekday afternoon in the middle of summer, nearly 15 million Americans tuned in to the Brazil-Germany match in the semifinal.
My apartment mate explained that everyone in her office, in the US Department of Education, had used the excuse of a birthday party to watch the US-Germany match.
But US television showed an enormous crowd of fans in Kansas City following the US-Belgium match on a large outdoor screen.
During the US-Belgium match, emails flew fast and thick across the family network, with lots of friendly rivalry.
One recent Internet match-making effort attracted applications from more than 10,000 young women, all seeking a chance to marry a Shenzhen multi-millionaire sight unseen.
In terms of power-projection force capabilities or the range of military bases and security allies in Asia, no power or combination of powers is likely to match the US in the next quarter-century.
Musharraf did head that way a few months later, when he forced an invitation out of Singh to watch a cricket match between the two sides in New Delhi in 2005.
Be it to watch a cricket match; be it do some shopping; be it to meet friends and families - India is proud to be an open society, an open economy.
Musharraf went to Ferozeshah Kotala cricket ground in Delhi and saw his team win the match.
The match was played on March 30, with Pakistan losing narrowly.
But it is especially difficult in China, where the government's actions so often fail to match its statements.