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Examples manifest sestavení examples

How do I use manifest sestavení in a sentence?

Simple sentences

For the Gold Age to manifest on Earth soon, we should imagine it as a reality.
It was a manifest error of judgement.
And is not the bodily pain which follows every excess a manifest declaration of the divine will?

Movie subtitles

How soon after your marriage did it first manifest itself?
There was manifest all manner of ungodliness and works of the flesh.
They say dreams manifest our basest desires.
When did this feeling of inadequacy first manifest itself?
It will manifest itself soon.
We're bound for Palestine with an American captain and crew. and a passenger manifest of 611 persons.
I'm here to manifest.
There was no address on the passenger manifest.
What are you trying to manifest?
I want him to use this in any way he sees fit. in case the patterns that led to the evening that I am going to relate. manifest themselves again.
The warning signs are beneath, and they manifest themselves unexpectedly.
This would partially manifest itself in the instantaneous translation into the vocabulary of the sensory of all purely psychic, abstract or extrasensory phenomena.
He's carrying me on his manifest.
They manifest themselves as a disembodied, mutually telepathic intelligence.
Changes which manifest themselves in the blood pressure in the ratio of the blood corpuscles in the heightened activity of the nerves and the glands.
He's going ashore with the cargo manifest.
You're on the manifest as manager of this show, right?
Homer, I've got a manifest here for you to sign.
Here's the manifest, so sign.
I ain't signing no manifest.
Have you checked out every one of the names on this passenger manifest?
What feeling? This passenger manifest. the names look so familiar.
Next week you'll find each of your names on the passenger manifest of this jet aircraft that travels from london to new york city.
It lands in a typical busy airport and rolls up to the ramp, and it's at this point that you find yourselves on a passenger manifest of a flight that leads only to the twilight zone.
It is manifest that I shall acquire additional merit by. writing thee letters and coming to see thee from time to time.
If you're determined to board her, just check her cargo manifest first, that's all I ask of you.
And how does this desire between two people manifest itself?
My parts, my title and my perfect soul shall manifest me rightly.
I know. They just manifest themselves.
According to the manifest, there's three doctors aboard.
He's carrying me on his manifest. Every time he goes up, he files my name as a passenger.
And his teachers manifest that he never interfered in his education.
The volcano may manifest simply by a swelling or a tumescence of the ground.
Open it up. Let's see the manifest.
Give me your licence and manifest, boy.
There's a female prisoner on our manifest.
Her insensitivity would manifest itself in terrible ways.

News and current affairs

In repeated visits to Argentina, I marveled at how long suffering the Argentineans were; to me, it is more a surprise that unrest took so long to manifest itself, not that street turmoil unseated Argentina's president.
The PLA's growing political clout has been manifest in the sharpening power struggle within the Party.
They sought to stage an Olympics that made manifest their image of themselves, and Speer Jr., looking back to his father's mastery of the architecture of power, delivered the goods.
Neither, to be sure, is clearly involved in a manifest scandal, nor do they disagree with the policies set by their leaders.
The same attitudes are manifest in other countries as well.
But I think that much of economics has been discredited by the manifest failure of many economists to be as smart as McCulloch's parrots were.
This will be considered tragic only for those who see a stable European federation as Europe's manifest destiny.
That question has practical implications, for if the EU is to manifest itself as a free and open society it must assure its ability to function both effectively and efficiently when expansion takes place.
As the benefits of globalization became manifest, and the damage wrought by autarkic policies also became evident, policymakers in the East began to appreciate that their anti-globalization stance had been a mistake.
But a third factor has become manifest recently.
This identity may be secular or religious; it may seek middle-class normality or proclaim an Israeli version of manifest destiny - the two are not incompatible.
Indeed, making lists of behaviors, applying medical-sounding labels to people who manifest them, and then using the presence of those behaviors to prove that a person has the illness in question is scientifically meaningless.
If there is no independent press able to caution against mistakes and a parliament that can do the same, then the mistakes will eventually manifest themselves on the streets.
If self-defense is not permissible in cases of manifest, imminent attack, then the doctrine can hardly appeal to ordinary moral intuitions.
Israel's manifest displeasure with the entire negotiating process, which Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has emphasized to anyone who will listen over the past three months, reverberates loudly among Israel's many congressional friends.
Epidemics caused by fat are now manifest: Type 2 diabetes, increased rates of heart and cardiovascular disease, and notably more cancers, such as breast cancer.
Indeed, contrary to the widely held assumption that evolution takes millennia to manifest itself, recent evidence suggests that its effects can become visible as quickly as in a few generations.
The consequences of their leadership became manifest only later, as an aggrieved nation's people turned against each other in their deep political and moral divisions and hatreds.
Despite the manifest success of Indian democracy, its parliamentary system is not succeeding in giving India good governance.
But the macroeconomic model on which he bases his claim can hardly be called reliable, given its manifest failures to predict either the crisis or the euro's survival.
The German law's most controversial feature is a prohibition on prenatal genetic testing for diseases that will manifest themselves only in adulthood.

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