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lopped side English

Synonyms lopped side synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as lopped side?

lopped side English » English

cut edge

Examples lopped side examples

How do I use lopped side in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Is the school on this side of the river?
There was a cottage on the side of the hill.
Success is always on the side of the persevering.
It was a long war because neither side would give in.
Rather than light-hearted and cheerful men, I'm attracted to sober men with a bit of a dark side to them.
You can skate safely on this side of the lake.
My grandfather on my father's side is celebrating his 88th birthday tomorrow.
I'll be waiting for you on the other side.
Today I'm going to show you another side of me.
I'll be by your side, no matter what.
Whose side is Tom on?
On this side of the mountain, it doesn't rain much.
Go to the other side.
No student has ever complained of pains in the front lobe of the left side of the brain.
You're by my side; everything's fine now.
Being objective means not telling everybody whose side you are on.
The discrepancy between the stories of the two parties involved in the accident was so great that the authorities had a hard time deciding which side was telling the truth.
You'll see the bank on the left hand side of the hospital.
People who are not in a hurry stand on the right side of the escalator.
It would demoralize the opposing team to give it the razz from the spectators' side.
The side of the house was covered with ivy.
A car lying on its side blocked the passage.
Lie on your right side.
You have your right sock on wrong side out.
The ball hit him on the left side of the head.
Which side won?
They built up twenty-five stories on one side and thirty-five stories on the other.
I took it for granted that you were on my side.
The crowd may be on the side of Luciano, but the champ has got the skill to win and that's what matters.
This side of the house catches the morning sun.
I sleep on my side.
The building on the right side is a school.
I've got a pain in my side.

Movie subtitles

Or was it side skins?
Time really did seem to be on China's side.
And who pulled Frodo up the side of the mountain? Just think about however to- I remember now!
I've just been crucified on the other side of the world.
Three hours we've been listening to him talk about stupid shit that happened on the other side of the Earth thousands of years ago!
We have a little grid - two inches by two inches on each side.
It will show our sincerity that we're on Lord Choi's side.
Or like other people, stay by your side for a long, long time.
All right, one side, make way.
On the plus side, we've totally been living In the bamboo forest, so at least It's a step up for someone, right?
Heard shouting and ran over to the female side.
I'm really not in the mood to see the bright side.
The worst is when it's alternate side of the street parking, 'cause then I got to park it in back.
You don't want to see what's on the other side of this.
No one is on your side here, not governor, army or settlers.
We'll see if he's on our side.
If it does, I'll fight by your side.
He's only made it this far because you've been by his side.
Of course you'd take her side.
Unfortunately, Lizzy, you're chest-deep in filth, and you're gonna have to wade through it - to get to the other side.
At nine o'clock the following evening a mysterious barouche stopped on the rotunda side of the Opera.
We sang for the right side first, then the middle, then the left.
So the left side only heard the end! -And Limoges!
Go round the other side.
It was stolen on the north side tonight.
Permit me, then, to drink to the new boss of the North Side.
The Big Boy just handed me the whole North Side but it's too much for one man to handle alone.
Why do rich men on the west side wear ties but workers don't? Step right up, folks.
One side hits, the other hits back worse, and then those guys want revenge for that, so they hit back even harder.
I think there's more grub on the side.
Do the right-side brakes on your dad's SUV squeak a little bit? Yeah.
Put her on her side! Put her on her side!
You might see a side of Derek that involves love a little bit.
Your person has come over to my side.
I've also used a lot of effort to get him to come to my side.
Can't you just stay by my side?
Asking me when you already know. Anyway, don't go around blabbering about it everywhere. Whatever Gong Shil does, I'm on her side.
Can't you stay by my side?
I'm planning to hold him tight and stay by his side.
So I satisfied the basic condition, right? Tae Yang. When I first met you, and from the first day I brought CEO to the study motel, I was on your side.
Even if he doesn't listen, or even if he acts proud or says things too bluntly, cut him some slack and always stay by his side.

News and current affairs

Since he first appeared at the side of Dr. Chaim Weizmann in the late 1940's during the struggle for Jewish statehood and sovereignty, few people could articulate the Zionist and later the Israeli case with comparable eloquence and conviction.
A side benefit for the EU's standing in the world could be that the World Trade Organization's stalled Doha negotiations could be restarted once farmers in developing countries are assured of getting a fair deal from Europe.
It offers an answer to rising demand for healthy food with minimal environmental side effects.
And matters are little better on the other side of the Atlantic.
The market will prove one side right before too long.
A violent conflict in the past may survive as a war of memories in the present, as can be observed in the current dispute between China and South Korea on one side, and Japan on the other.
On the left side of the German political spectrum, the proposition that 8 May 1945 was a day of liberation remains unchallenged.
Indeed, without Taliban sanctuaries on the Pakistani side of the Afghan border, and without Pakistani financial backing, the rebirth of the Taliban's armed insurgency against the central Afghan government would have been impossible.
Without Taliban sanctuaries on the Pakistani side of the Afghan border and the backing by the Pakistani intelligence service ISI, the rebirth of the Taliban's armed insurgency against the central Afghan government would have been impossible.
After a long winter and a non-existent spring, summer started promptly with the first kick-off - and virtually overnight, Germany has flaunted its sunniest and most delightful side.
But, on the other side of the Atlantic, Americans have no reason to feel smug.
During any lull, a fanatic from either side could jump to center stage and, through an act of utter madness, kick up the settling dust and dash the hopes of the many on both sides who still long for a lasting peace.
Finally, long-simmering tensions in the Middle East between Israel and the US on one side and Iran on the other on the issue of nuclear proliferation could reach a boil by 2013.
But there is another, darker side to this craving, which is the wish to see idols dragged through the mud in vicious gossip magazines, divorce courts, and so on.
Arguably, they must first sort out the sovereign side of the crisis; but it is not clear that most officials even have a comprehensive plan.
We are sincerely interested in the establishment of a Palestinian state living peacefully side-by-side with Israel, the democratic state of the Jewish people.
This is the vengeful side of our fawning, as though the humiliation of worshipping idols must be balanced by our delight in their downfall.
Thus, over-diagnosing bipolar disorder can unnecessarily expose patients to serious side-effects of medication.
The urgency of efforts to address climate change is revealing interesting prospects on the mitigation side, particularly in the areas of renewable energy and low-carbon growth.
If US policymakers would only listen, they might get an idea or two about how to deal with financial crises from experts who have lived through them and come out safely on the other side.
On one side is concern about another downturn and deflation.
I'm not wise enough to say which side is right, but I certainly know which side I hope is wrong.

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