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lock stile

Examples lock stile examples

How do I use lock stile in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Remember to lock the door.
We lock the doors at night.
I forgot to lock the door.
They should lock him up and throw away the key.
Did you lock the car?
Tom forgot to lock the door to the house.
They forgot to lock the door.
Lock the safe.
I forgot to lock the drawer.
Lock the door.
The door will lock automatically when you go out.
Would you please lock the door?
Please lock the door when you leave.
The door will not open; the lock must be out of order.
This key won't go in the lock.
I'm a lock without a key.
How does the front door-lock work?
In opening the door, I broke the lock.
It was careless of me to forget to lock the door.

Movie subtitles

She's in love with someone else, but I figure ten, 11 years of me trying, I'm a lock.
Does anybody lock doors around here?
Hey, Josh, the child lock.
Should we lock the doors so your husband doesn't walk in on us?
I mean, he doesn't lock his doors.
Lock me up if I love anyone more than my life, Johannes, and if she be annihilated for solitude and grief, it would by the world force me to sacrifice my husband's honour.
Alice. lock that door.
Break a the lock.
Lock that door.
Why don't you lock it up, sister-in-law?
They'd lock us both up.
If you don't play a merry anthem, I'll lock the piano and eat the key.
Now, don't forget to lock the door.
I'll lock the door, Mummy.
For what possible reason lock us up in here? It makes no sense. Hmm?
Yes. Did you lock it?
They changed the lock before we got ready!
Madame, I'm leaving the door open so that the visitor won't hear the rattle of the lock.
If you don't keep quiet I'm gonna lock you up in one of the outhouses.
You will think me a sentimental old fluff, but would you mind giving me a lock of your hair?
A lock?
Anyway, you be careful, and lock your money up.
Get hold of him. - Lock him up!
You're requested to lock every door and window, and every outbuilding he may use to hide in.
Why did you lock the door? - I.
You must lock me up.
If you don't trust me enough to let me have a lock on my door, the least you can do is knock. Mom!
Oh, lock the door, Jerry, please. Why?
If you love me, you'll lock that door so that I can't get out.
Lock the doors.
Get her out of there and lock her in the bedroom.
Lock him up.
If the cops grab us, they'll lock us up and throw the key away.

News and current affairs

In turn, the stick is needed to ensure that these incentives do not lock in unproductive and wasteful investments.
A few years earlier, as America rushed to lock up ever more of its population for ever-pettier offenses, the absolute size of its incarcerated population surpassed that of China - despite China's population being more than four times that of America.
Only businesses that can borrow long-term now, lock in a low real interest rate, and invest in expanding their capacity can make the domestic bet that interest rates will rise.
The Republican Party's real game is to try to lock that income and wealth advantage into place.
If my bicycle is insured against theft, I might buy a cheaper lock for it, making it more likely that it will be stolen.
Second, predicting the exact timing of a break point (when bubbles burst, markets lock up, and credit freezes) is, and will likely remain, beyond our ability.
One reason for this is the introduction of technologies such as anti-lock brakes, airbags, and electronic stability control.
And many issuers are extending the maturity structure of their obligations to lock in current rates, which cannot go much lower (but could potentially increase a lot).
Indeed, reducing current spending and increasing capital spending should be carried out in lock step.
The Greek government has asked Europe to swap existing debts with new debts to lock in low interest rates and long maturities.
So there is no need for a strategy to deal with China's economic rise; but there is a need to lock in China's prosperity and reduce the chances of political eruption.
That way, economically irrational lock-in effects, whereby workers simply cannot afford to change jobs, are avoided.
The fixed interconnected pipelines lock producers and consumers in a near-exclusive embrace.
Sometimes, even powerful sovereign states use global commitments to help them lock in sensible policies that might otherwise be difficult to initiate and sustain.
Do governments have to lock up dissidents in order to deliver prosperity?
Furthermore, its efforts to lock up supplies of key resources mean that it will continue to lend support to renegade regimes.
The script is so well known by now among the world's would-be dictators that it can take less than a week to lock down a country.