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loader bar

Examples loader bar examples

How do I use loader bar in a sentence?

Simple sentences

I have never sung, and never will sing, in a karaoke bar.
Was there anybody else in the bar?
I work at a bar.
Was anyone in the bar?
Several men got angry with Tom in the bar and Tom told them he wasn't afraid to take them on.
Tom bought drinks for everyone at the bar.
Tom owned a bar on Park Street.
We had a bar of gold stolen.
Rust ate away the iron bar.
John picked a quarrel with college kids near him at the bar.
This bar is a popular student hangout.
The owner of this bar never sells liquor on credit.
A woman was sitting on a stool in a bar.
Three of my friends, besides me, were admitted to the bar.
Mr Nakamura went bar hopping in Tokyo.
She was admitted to the bar.
His poor educational background was not a bar to his advancement.
I saw him last night in the bar and he was really drunk.
We drank shochu at the karaoke bar.
That bar is one of his favorite haunts.
On Friday evenings, a group of us with spouses working overseas meet at Chuck's Bar and Grill.
My band will perform this week at Chuck's Bar and Grill. Please come and see us.
Tom would have missed the train if he had stopped to buy a chocolate bar.
The bartender threw Tom out of the bar.
Tom threw Mary out of the bar.
Tom and John went to the bar last night to pick up some girls.

News and current affairs

They bar threats against, and harassment of, individuals.
By raising the bar for defamation charges, that decision ensures that American journalists can hold public officials accountable.
Hong sets the bar low.
When we watch a sprinter set a new Olympic record in the hundred meter dash, it's not the shoes he or she wears that command our admiration. Nor is it the coaching received or the energy bar consumed just before the event.
In many cases, traditional cultural norms prevent girls from obtaining any real education; lead far too many to marry and bear children while still adolescents; and bar women even from opening a bank account.
Even in the wake of the financial crisis that erupted in 2008, they trip off the word processors of a hundred submissions challenging the so-called Volcker rule (which would bar banks from making proprietary investments).
If I need a hundred or so calories in a hurry, I prefer a banana, a handful of nuts, or, for that matter, a delicious candy bar.
The US and Europe are united this time, and can effectively cut off Iran from world banking, bar Iranian leaders from traveling to the West, and stop exports to Iran of everything but food and medicine.
They left before the news was over to go to a bar to celebrate.
Many Shia insist that the last vestiges of Saddam's elite must be purged, but many Sunnis argue that the process is intended to bar them from good jobs and political influence.
It is therefore imperative to develop new detection technologies that will work in poorer countries, and that complement existing systems such as bar codes.
Last November, Musharraf effectively declared war on both the bar and the judiciary, dismissing all judges who refused to recognize his declaration of a state of emergency, purportedly aimed at protecting the nation from terrorists.
The result was the detention of most of the senior judiciary, as well as bar association presidents across the country and all leading lawyers and human rights activists seeking to defend judicial independence.
New York also has its KGB Bar.
In some states, where a single felony conviction is enough to bar the offender from ever being able to vote again, over one quarter of African American males are disenfranchised.
On the Tuesday afternoon when the US played Belgium in the knockout round, every bar in Aspen, Colorado, was packed.
They bar threats against, and harassment of, individuals. They forbid libel and fraud.
Additionally, the new constitution would effectively bar Suu Kyi, from running for president because she was married to a foreigner.
The promise of being recognized at the airline counter, ushered to the front of the line, and, yes, looking like a big shot at the airport bar.
Moreover, such a formula should bar provocative actions by either side, including military exercises, such as those staged recently by China and, jointly, by the US and Japan.
Formal complaints to the justice ministry and the national bar association weren't even acknowledged, let alone answered.
Likewise, China may have set the bar too high concerning the language that it has demanded in any general apology.
Add a higher bar for government bailouts, and these stronger incentives would induce private financial institutions and investors to take responsibility before disaster strikes.