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liveweight gain English

Synonyms liveweight gain synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as liveweight gain?

Examples liveweight gain examples

How do I use liveweight gain in a sentence?

Simple sentences

The key question is not what can I gain but what do I have to lose.
I don't think you can gain his ear.
No pain, no gain.
Of course it's difficult to gain access to the Prime Minister.
How does he gain his living?
You wouldn't gain anything by a method like that.
The man used much money to gain power.
You gain nothing by speaking ill of others.
You have little to gain and much to lose.
No gain without pains.
I've suddenly started to gain weight.
Eat more, or you won't gain strength.
I'll gain weight again!
You will gain nothing from doing that.
Some people gain weight when they stop smoking.
A small gain is better than a great loss.

Movie subtitles

Dispoing the food like this, and making these townspeople into debt will be a great gain for you.
And the Tooth Fairy steps right in, nothing changes, and I get a net gain of zero.
They would have the most to gain from writing them.
Miss Howard, as you are the one with something to gain, I am suggesting that you would do such a thing.
The seeking shall find, the praying shall gain. More than words can say.
What would you gain, by killing me off, Mr Helius?
What do I stand to gain by telling you everything?
I wanted to do something tremendous, to achieve what men of science have dreamt of since the world began, to gain wealth and fame and honour, to write my name above the greatest scientists of all time.
You know, it's funny how anybody's troubles are somebody's gain.
You took advantage of Caesar lying on his funeral pyre. to gain the public's support for yourself.
You won't gain a thing by giving me up.
You'll gain nothing. by killing me.
Yet gain victory!
If you were able to gain control of the station, do you think you could possibly just change its course?
THOSE who buy for pennies and gain millions.
All you have to do to gain admission. is shave your head.
Accused people, when flustered, always say things like that to gain time.
Thereby you will gain your greatest victory and glory and you shall become the foremost and greatest nation of all.
One person's gain is another person's loss.
You can tell me that because you've nothing to gain or lose by it.
It's not possible for me to provide for you. if I can gain fame with the sword the road to being a government official might open up for me.
This is an all-or-nothing battle. By winning I gain the path towards becoming a government official. I lose everything.
Gain, like, half a pound?
You know, usually when someone poops their pants, they gain a little bit of humility.
You think that's possible? They would have the most to gain from writing them.
What do you hope to gain by her disappearance?
What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world?
God is a superstition. if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul.
You won't gain anything by giving me away as long as I make it worth your while.
When I gain those ruby slippers my power will be the greatest in Oz!
As you live your life don't think to gain more than other people.
You've used the most degenerate means to gain your ends.

News and current affairs

The companies routinely bribe officials to gain oil leases, lie about output, evade taxes, and dodge responsibility for the environmental damage that they cause.
But it is an unfortunate mathematical fact that not everyone can gain market share.
Kosovo would thus gain some essential trappings of statehood.
As with any compromise, the contending parties would both gain and lose from this arrangement.
If this constitution were accepted in anything like the proposed form, the EU would gain many attributes and trappings of statehood: its own president and foreign minister, its own legal system.
For these sectors, devaluation means an increase in costs, rather than a gain in competitiveness.
The educational system needs to be rebuilt almost from scratch, and with so many women anxious to return to teaching, a revived educational system will also help Afghanistan's democratic politicians gain a powerful lobby of workers.
As an anti-status quo power, Iran is not pursuing nuclear capabilities in order to destroy Israel, but to gain prestige and influence in a hostile environment and as a shield for its challenge to the regional order.
On a recent trip through the Middle East, I attempted to gain a better understanding of the crisis.
The US could gain doubly, both from the public goods themselves, and from the way they legitimize its preponderant power in the eyes of others.
But by claiming to be soldiers at war with the world's biggest military power, they gain sympathy, as well as recruits, among the radical losers and the disaffected.
It is this Muslim civil war that is allowing al-Qaeda to gain a larger pool of recruits.
If Khamenei holds fast, Mousavi cannot gain the presidency, but he will continue to represent the hopes of the majority of Iranians who differ dramatically with their government.
But it will take some time before the new migrants gain decisive political influence, and the problems of Iran and Russia for Europe require immediate attention.
As legions of new consumers gain purchasing power, demand inevitably rises, driving up the price of scarce commodities.
In order to gain the breathing space necessary for the reform process to be effective, the Greek government could just announce a simple rescheduling: the due date of all existing public debt is extended by five years at an unchanged interest rate.
As such, action by central banks will repeatedly fail to gain sufficient traction.
No Maoist group could ever gain a toehold in Afghanistan's parched Pashtun south (these were, after all, people who, bare-knuckled, smashed the Soviets).
Moreover, secular spiritual leaders like Gandhi, Schweitzer, and King have vanished, annihilated it seems by our new fetishes--success, expediency, gain, and special interests.
Yet there is a real concern that the extremists, who are politically well organized, are seeking to gain control by the ballot over less-organized liberals, thus preventing peace and stability.
To gain control of the mandarins, the DPJ plans to place 100 lawmakers in the ministries' top leadership, as well as three dozen political appointees to policy staffs in the office of the prime minister.
Coupled with this is a zero-sum view of the world, in which any Chinese gain in the share of the global economy, or any increased presence in many parts of the world, must be at the expense of the US or other powers.
In the long term, the US will gain nothing - and risk much - by continuing to back oil sheikhdoms that fund Muslim extremist groups and madrasas from the Philippines and India to South Africa and Venezuela.
Despite being isolated and ostracized, Iran has managed to gain some strategic breathing room with the help of countries like China, Russia, India, Syria, and Venezuela, allowing it to resist Western pressure.

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