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ligament English

Meaning ligament meaning

What does ligament mean?


a sheet or band of tough fibrous tissue connecting bones or cartilages or supporting muscles or organs any connection or unifying bond

Synonyms ligament synonyms

What other words have the same or similar meaning as ligament?

Topics ligament topics

What do people use ligament to talk about?

Examples ligament examples

How do I use ligament in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Have you ever had a pulled ligament? It hurts like hell.
He tore his ligament.

Movie subtitles

Well, don't pull a ligament.
Sprained ligament.
Well, then keep up the hype about Carl's rumored sprained ligament.
I don't know the contraction rates of creeper, or the breaking point of bones and ligament.
And a ligament.
Poupart's ligament and the rectus sheath.
Epicondylitis, strained ligament, torn muscle and hairline fracture.
ID ligament of Trietz.
The coronary ligament.
Boy, that phrenic ligament is really fibrous.
Lance tore every ligament he's got.
You've torn a ligament. I'm afraid you'll have to report to Sickbay.
Inch of ligament, touch of nerve tissue.
He's torn a ligament.
If not, this is the darnedest torn ligament I've seen.
The doctor said it's only a torn ligament.
Dislocated ligament. What's this nonsense?
Make a subcostal flank incision here, dividing the costovertebral ligament.
Well, then keep the publicity going about Carl's rumored sprained ligament.
The problem's with the lateral collateral ligament.
He certainly messed up your lateral collateral ligament.
Oh, the torn ligament.
You've torn a ligament.
Numerous muscle and. and ligament micro-tears.
You passed his Cooper's ligament.
Partially torn ligament in his knee.
No visible bruising or contusion about the ligament.
Has he loosened the periodontal ligament yet?
An anterior cruciate ligament that was repaired in the last year.
I'd just torn a ligament or something.
We've managed to reattach the ulnar collateral ligament.
Normally, it'd be over here, but because you're missing ligament structure, it has wandered over there, right next to your liver.
And in badgers, these are attached by either end by means of a sort of ligament, which goes through a little hole in the bone.
But as soon as I got there, I tore a ligament.
Kobe Bryant tore his ligament in his knee.
We start. With cutting the ligament patelar. Also known as the ligament of the knee caps.

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