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ladder attenuator

Examples ladder attenuator examples

How do I use ladder attenuator in a sentence?

Simple sentences

I fell off the ladder when I was picking apples.
Would you mind if I borrowed your ladder?
Stand the ladder against the wall.
Place the ladder against the wall.
The ladder was covered with dust and rust.
Hold this ladder steady.
Is this ladder strong enough to bear my weight?
Don't climb that ladder - it's not secure.
He put his foot on the ladder.
He placed the ladder against the fence.
He lost his balance and fell off the ladder.
She fell down the ladder.
She fell head over heels from the ladder.
She was standing on a ladder painting the ceiling.
Take care when you climb up the ladder.
The ladder was covered with mud.
I went up to the roof by means of a ladder.
She was going up a ladder.

Movie subtitles

Humans are not at the top of the evolutionary ladder.
Find a ladder.
Maureen climbs the ladder.
I'll hold the ladder.
No matter who we are or what rung of The Ladder, we are vulnerable souls, but there's peace in that.
I'm ascending The Ladder now.
No, you are not ascending anything, Hawk, because there is no Ladder to ascend.
Who's pulled up the ladder?
How can I put my hands up when I'm trying to hang onto the ladder?
Come on slime, let's see what's up this ladder.
If the dead person is an adult the body is tied to a ladder and carried to the cemetery.
Bring that ladder aboard!
Get that ladder up.
I said get the ladder up.
You'll find a ladder and I'll get the block and tackle.
I was standing on the ladder while you were pulling the piano up and the block and t.
Hold this while I get off the ladder.
Put that ladder back and come on.
He intended, with the aid of this ladder. to crawl down into your place some night and polish Robert off with this.
Then he was going to climb back up here, unscrew the ladder. throw that out the window on a dump heap down below.
But that ladder stuff's a lot of malarkey.
No one did come down that ladder, and Landis wasn't killed in her place.
I don't know. -Did you use a ladder for it? No!
Please go back down the ladder quietly.
Why did you run up that ladder when I came in here?
I'm ascending The Ladder now. - No, you are not ascending anything, Hawk, because there is no Ladder to ascend.
Did you use a ladder for it? No!
They've taken the ladder away.
Married two whole years. and just as young and beautiful as the day Ken carried you down the dormitory ladder.
It's got a ladder to the top.

News and current affairs

Those striving to climb the ladder of success know the consequences of failure.
In the US, the rungs of the ladder are farther apart than elsewhere, and the distance from the top to the bottom is greater.
The countries highest on the ladder of life satisfaction are Denmark, Finland, and Norway.
I believe that few wealthy people would refuse to contribute a small portion of their huge wealth for the chance to save the lives of millions of people each year and help the poorest countries get the first foot on the ladder of economic development.
If we are to reduce the risk of war, we must help impoverished people everywhere, not only in Darfur, to meet their basic needs, protect their natural environments, and get onto the ladder of economic development.
In Asia, more women work, they work more hours, and they advance on the corporate ladder much faster than European women.
After all, women have ascended the political ladder faster in many other countries than they have in the US.
Several Central European countries have achieved per capita GDP levels (measured in terms of purchasing power parity) that place them on the lower rungs of the eurozone's income ladder.
Losing this sector of the economy to the hyper-competitive Chinese will be a hard hit, as textile exports are often the first step on the development ladder.
Ultimately, in today's complex and interlinked world, even the most competitive economies need a helping hand as they climb the global ladder.
By structural transformation, I mean the process by which countries climb the industrial ladder - their workforces move into higher value-added manufacturing sectors as their sources of production advance.
These stories awaken our fears of being overtaken by others on the economic ladder.
Though many will deny it, we are always comparing ourselves with others, and hoping to climb the social ladder.
This migration of jobs down the productivity ladder has shaved 0.3 percentage points off US productivity growth every year since 1990 - roughly one-sixth of the actual gain over this period.
In an amazing turn of events, virtually every Western country must now worry about its credit ratings, while quite a few emerging economies continue to climb the ratings ladder.
It is clear that all over the western world, particularly in the last 20 years, those at the top of the income ladder have done much better than those in the middle or at the bottom.
So far, this new group has been too busy climbing the income ladder to express their resentment at the excesses of the elite, but one can feel a growing sense of anger among its members.
Without that, and a renewed focus on growth, Japan will continue to climb down the global ladder of success.