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lace bobbin

Examples lace bobbin examples

How do I use lace bobbin in a sentence?

Simple sentences

The dress was trimmed with lace.
Mary crochets lace every night.
Ireland is famous for lace.
Ireland is famous for its lace.

Movie subtitles

Ever since the Duchess of Kent got married, every girl that gets spliced has been dragging around six feet of lace with a tulle overlay behind them.
This nylon lace has a mind of its own.
Machining that lace is like dicing with insanity.
I hear lace is very popular this season.
Lace 'em up, Doctor.
White-haired, lavender and old lace.
I had dinner rather late and started working on my lace.
Done a good deal of reading, and I've worked on my lace.
When did you first start doing lace work, Leslie?
Brung you that lace neckpiece for your throat.
Not an evening passes but I find some. new and fascinating souvenir of you. a stocking, a garter, a bit of lace.
Who wants to be sitting around stuffed with lace. and a wig shutting the wind from your head?
He drips lace, and leads the Charleston quadrilles.
Not a lace-ruffled bullying jaybird like.
Do you mean to tell me that 500,000 francs is concealed in that little bit of silk and lace?
A little angel smiling up at you, all wrapped in lace.
Well, my lace is old and everything else is new but I've nothing borrowed and I've nothing blue.
My dear. I had dinner rather late and started working on my lace. I don't know how long l'd been working when suddenly I heard a footstep outside.
Still hanging lace on your language.
Yes. I'll wear my white lace gown.
Thanks for now, I'II be back later to put some lace on it.
HERMAN: Lace panty-coats.
ALL: Yeah, lace panty-coats.
I can see her now. White haired. Lavender and old lace.
Thanks for now, and I'll be back later to put some lace on it.
Lace panty-coats. Yeah, lace panty-coats.
She was cute as lace pants.
Cute as lace pants. always.
With their velvet doublets and scarlet waistcoats, Their lace, cuffs and jabots.
With linings on the sides and with Vadstena lace.
I had a good silk stocking scam. The Belgian tobacco thing. And lace.
So I'm giving it all up, the lace, the Belgian tobacco, all the scams.
Therese, Elaine, would you help me lace my bodice?
Do we lace them, Pinkie?
Considering the taxpayers' money poured on it, I don't expect it to look like a lace Valentine.
A lace handkerchief with blood stains.

News and current affairs

A conspiracy to lace letters with anthrax might incite private terror.