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Labrador English

Meaning Labrador meaning

What does Labrador mean?


the mainland part of the province of Newfoundland and Labrador in the eastern part of the large Labrador-Ungava Peninsula in northeastern Canada

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Labrador English » English

Labrador retriever Lab.

Examples Labrador examples

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Movie subtitles

A Labrador Retriever of unequalled perfection.
She was reported missing May 21, 1962, off the coast of Labrador.
The Labrador Current.
This ice must be drifting down on the Labrador current.
In an hour or so we'll be in the Labrador current.
There's a Labrador there.
Look, I'm a Labrador!
A Labrador?
He lives in Labrador?
He's taking us out of the gulf, to the coast of Labrador.
But it's got some Labrador in it.
What's Labrador?
The dogs, one described as a fox terrier with a wound on his head, and a mixed labrador retriever have been terrorizing a large section of the Lake District, killing sheep and other livestock.
His name's Labrador.
He was piloting that reindeer when it flew into the hill at Labrador a couple months ago.
I'm much obliged. All right. We send someone to Labrador.
The one in Labrador was the prototype.
You know who we're sending to Labrador, don't you? That's right.
Well, there is no proof, no. Not the way you mean it. That's the reason I'm on my way to Labrador right now, to investigate that crash.
That plane in labrador, that was proof in a way.
You explained that already. Captain, it'll be just like the one in Labrador.
Well, gentlemen, there's one thing we can settle. You must send someone else off to Labrador.
It's from Nixon in Labrador.
We've received two messages from Labrador and Gander which bear you out completely.
You're the Labrador.
And finally, Pistachio, the Labrador Retriever, squired by novice trainer - Detective William Murdoch. - Oh!
When's your Labrador due to whelp?
I delivered six bouncing Labrador puppies.
Yeah? But it's got some Labrador in it.
I wouldn't be surprised if my grandmother had had an affair with a Labrador.
A Labrador is sure to have something to do with it.
You know, we could make the Labrador Coast in 16 hours.

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