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kerb mirror

Examples kerb mirror examples

How do I use kerb mirror in a sentence?

Simple sentences

Don't break a mirror.
Look at yourself in the mirror.
She looked at herself in the mirror.
Tom smiled at himself in the mirror.
She stood in front of the mirror.
Mary was brushing her hair in front of the mirror.
The mirror broke.
How many times a day do you look at yourself in the mirror?
A mirror reflects light.
The optimist looks into a mirror and becomes more optimistic, the pessimist more pessimistic.
Mary looked at herself in the mirror.
The rear-view mirror fell off.
Just look in the mirror.
Its surface was as flat as a mirror.
This figure is a mirror of the decrease in imports of crude oil.
My mind is as bright and clean as a stainless mirror.
She saw herself in the mirror.
She smiled at herself in the mirror.
She put on her sister's jeans and looked in the mirror.
Hasn't he looked at himself in a mirror?
Judy spends a lot of time looking in the mirror.

News and current affairs

Take a good look in the mirror, Gerhard.
Such policies would mirror those followed by Napoleon III in France in the 1850's.
As the economy worsened, unemployment rose, and Obama had to deal with the messy compromises of governing, the mirror became cloudier.
Mailat sought escape from his Romanian misery and his Romanian past, but could not imagine that he would find in an Italian refugee camp as much misery as before; that the image in the mirror of his daily new life would be that of a killer.
But they need not search too far for culprits; indeed, they need only look in the mirror and confront the consequences of the dishonest game that the leaders of EU member states have played for too long.
Europe's Distant Mirror?
For example, the Judge Advocate General Corps routinely observes military interrogations from behind a two-way mirror; that practice was discontinued in Afghanistan and Iraq.
In Syria, the situation is almost a mirror image.
Ideally, state and family were mirror images.
The French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre once described the Berlin Wall as a mirror.
Here Putin resembles a magic mirror.
In the year since the terrorist attacks of last September 11th, many of us have repeatedly looked in the mirror to ask: What has changed?
It is not true that if you break a mirror, you will have seven years' bad luck.
These developments have their mirror image in Israel and suggest why the Labour-led governments of Rabin, Peres and now Barak are ready for meaningful compromise on the territorial issue of the Golan.
Current events, not just in Libya, but also in Tunisia, Egypt, Syria, Yemen, and Bahrain, mirror the political complexity of these countries.
NEW YORK - The times we live in are often most clearly reflected in the mirror of art.
Economically, the US and China are mirror images, opposite sides of a massive global imbalance.
As the twentieth century recedes in the rear-view mirror, it increasingly seems that, for better or worse, our era's defining manifesto has been Milton Friedman's book Capitalism and Freedom.
It clearly does not turn parliament into a mirror image of the electorate.
Of course, it is always easier to blame others than to look in the mirror.
Of the three treaties, the one produced by the Congress of Vienna offers a sort of mirror image to help us understand the specificity of our current conditions.
China today is increasingly becoming for Europe what the United States was yesterday - a mirror reflecting our weaknesses and our strengths.
PARIS - Is football (soccer) just a mirror that reflects the collective emotions of a country?
Like the proverbial bus driver fixated on what is happening in his rear view mirror rather than watching what is in front of him, too many bond analysts focus on historical economic data as the key determinant of future performance.
There is little reason to expect the political preferences of corporate insiders to mirror those of the public investors funding the company.
Markets are simply holding up a mirror to these flaws and risks.